Free Complete Nikkei 225 and Hangseng 43 Historical Data


Really need your help.... 🙁 Does anyone can tell me where can i get the compete historical data for Nikkei 225 and Hangseng 43 to be used in Metastock. And the most important thing is, it's completelly free. Thanks for the information... 🙂
I need a complete end of day data Nikkei 225 and Hang Seng 43 (From Nikkei 225 and Hang Seng start 'till now), but what makes me a little bit confuse is, if finally i could get those data, is it gonna be the same with the one that right now I'm trading with? Cos for Hang Seng, it changes it's codes every 1 month, and for Nikkei it changes it's codes every 3 month. Plus for nikkei, it has 3 session for trade (I: 07.45AM-10.15AM ; II: 11.15AM-14.30PM ; III: 15.30PM-19:00PM). I've been doing this work as a trader for almost 6 Years, but to be honest, I still need a lot more to learn. And thank's for everyone who wants to share his/her information with me...
I need a complete end of day data Nikkei 225 and Hang Seng 43 (From Nikkei 225 and Hang Seng start 'till now), but what makes me a little bit confuse is, if finally i could get those data, is it gonna be the same with the one that right now I'm trading with? Cos for Hang Seng, it changes it's codes every 1 month, and for Nikkei it changes it's codes every 3 month. Plus for nikkei, it has 3 session for trade (I: 07.45AM-10.15AM ; II: 11.15AM-14.30PM ; III: 15.30PM-19:00PM). I've been doing this work as a trader for almost 6 Years, but to be honest, I still need a lot more to learn. And thank's for everyone who wants to share his/her information with me...

You need adjusted continuous contract data, which is constructed from the individual futures contracts that as you say expire monthly for the HSI and three monthly for the Nikkei. Doubt that you will get that for free.
I all ready knew that, Actully I can get those data for free from my office from today and so on, but i have to type it manually to "downloader" so it can be appear in metastock. It's the past data that I really need, cos I've ask about that data to my dealer and they said they don't have that data anymore cos it's way back. So what should i do?
You can download the raw index data from

Just go to the historical data and then download as a spreadsheet. Then somehow you convert it for metastock (I have no idea if metastock can read ascii csv but it should be able to).

^HSI and ^N225 are the symbols I think. Its not "exactly" the same as the futures but if you test on the old data then you can decide if it is likely to work and then forward test on futures contract data.
I've tried to find it from, but i only able downloaded only for 10 days historical data, not the complete one. Could you help me to be more detail where should i look at for more complete data. And if it's not "exactly" the same, do you think i can use it to analyse the market in the future so i can trade well. Thank's before...
Btw, could anyone tell me what his/her thinks about Nikkei and Hang Seng Markets?
And I've heard that Nikkei acctually running only for 2 sessions but why in my office nikkei runs for 3 sessions? Could anyone tell me, what's probably the main reason? Thank's
I've found it, thank's so very much for the information, but i still have a few question,
Btw, could anyone tell me what his/her thinks about Nikkei and Hang Seng Markets?
And I've heard that Nikkei acctually running only for 2 sessions but why in my office nikkei runs for 3 sessions? Could anyone tell me, what's probably the main reason? Thank's
There are lots of nikkei futures contracts and your 3rd session is the night session. The Topix N225 and N225m contracts have morning and afternoon sessions with a lunchbreak. The SGX NK has slightly longer sessions and will soon drop lunch altogether. I don't actually know what the cash market does.