Tourette Syndrome ?
Is a flappingwank the english equivalent of a dutch rudder?
I've got tourretes too.
Black Swan is a sad old man who pretends to be some sh!t hot currency trader when the reality is that he p!ssed away most of his net worth caught up in the bubble and now uses his alter-ego on the internet as a means of reliving the opportunities he once had as a young man without the burden of a wife and children, whom he loves dearly but also make his dream of taking the plunge an impossibility.
Howard Cohodas has probably realised that what he though he knew is not the case, and that is why he no longer posts here - albeit briefly to promote his "flight school" trading book. I would hazard a guess, however, that those responsible for allowing the whole fiasco to escalate to such vitriolic levels are still none the wiser about what the f8*k was going on, either with regard to Howards' option strategy or his intentions and subterfuge thereof.
Goddam tourettes! I can't stop! AR$E! FECK! GIRLS!
That's erm, an unusual form of the condition. 😆
If you had tourretes and you could choose what it is you blurted out uncontrollably, what would it be?
I have a feeling this is going to get out of control!
Whatever happened to oildaytrader? He was always good for a laugh
honest, what is that/ what does it mean?