Found a virus - how do I delete it?


Established member
i have been having a problem since thursday with a slow computer when on the internet.
i went to trendmicro housecall to scan for viruses, they found two viruses JS IESTART.PS which they were able to delete and TROJ STILEN.A which they were unable to delete as they say it was currently in use. TROJ STILEN.A was located in C:\ Windows\temp\bkuc.exe, how do i find it and delete it. I have Norton.

What files would be in C:\windows\temp file
C;\ windows\ temporary internet file
Can i delete everything in these two files
In Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, General, Temporary Internet Files, Delete Files.

That should delete it. If it doesnt then find the file (Start, Search, For files or Folders) and delete it manually.
thanks two bars

I was unable to delete the file as a message came up saying THIS SPECIFIED FILE IS BEING USED BY WINDOWS. Have you got any other ideas
Have you tried starting your computer in safe mode before trying to delete the file. Or you could try using a boot disk -I'm not sure if this is possible with XP but it should work with 98 & possibly ME. For XP you could try booting with your original XP CD and then trying to delete the file. Never had to do that myself so i dont know if that would work.

Is bkuc.exe showing up in Windows Task Manager and if so can you end the process and then delete the file.

If you're happy searching the registry you could see if you can track down whether its in the start up routine and delete the key. Next time you start up the machine it might not load itself and would allow you to delete it.

You could also try asking in the Microsoft newsgroups. You can access them through Outlook Express News reader ( or through the main Microsoft web site I think. I find the Outlook Express format easier to use.

Just a few ideas that might be worth a try if you have'nt tried them already.

Good luck
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I have been attacked by dozens of viruses in the last 2 mths - thankfully, my Virus Software has blocked them all - visiting trading related websites has certainly increased the number of attacks. I have been advised by an IT guy that there are so many out there now that McAffee has had as many as 4 updates in one day! So you need to update regularly.
Breadman, if you have antivirus software installed use that to deal with the virus, make sure its up to-date, if not update it then run it, if you don't have antivirus installed you can download a free one from AVG,
via there website, the address is :, that should do the trick............good luck

ps don't go deleting files unless you know exactly what you're doing...............its one sure way to screw up your pc!
Disable System Restore if you're running XP or ME. Otherwise you will have a back up of the virus 🙄