Forum Scams

(I had to tell him it was the Vienna boys choir to make the sale, you understand).
How about a Traders' Xmas Top Ten (how about not Bramble?)

at number 10 we have...."Win when you're swinging" (aplogies to R. Williams)

TheBramble said:
How about a Traders' Xmas Top Ten (how about not Bramble?)

at number 10 we have...."Win when you're swinging" (aplogies to R. Williams)


No 9.... Candlesticks in the Wind ( apologies to Elton John )
sid392 said:
So here it is, it started with an email i got in my inbox, (if you are going to do this put my name first?)........

It is normally called a "pyramid" and is documented to be a well known scam back in the Roman Empire....

More recently it is famous for causing mass unrest and eventually a revolution in Albania about 10 yrs ago.....

as for PayPal's reaction to such schemes u may want to browse thru

u'll be amazed how often it is mentioned there 🙂

is that your number in HM Prison? - which is where you'll end up pretty soon.

Do let us have your postal address as I don't think you get e-mail access in the nick.

Festive greeetings
gcb01 said:

is that your number in HM Prison? - which is where you'll end up pretty soon.

Do let us have your postal address as I don't think you get e-mail access in the nick.

Festive greeetings

No way mate, not going there!!! I am no ones - don't do scams, it's a fools game - but someone said that about trading aswell I think.......lmao 🙄

and sid392 (army nick name and last 3 numbers)

Have a good new year mate

Sid392 (or Heywood to my mates)
Sid, you may want to keep your sig under control - it might get you into trouble... 😎

"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And, in knowing that, you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all." -- ***censored***.

If you know you know nothing - then you know something. By definition.

The non sequitur which follows "And, in knowing that" is a linguistic back-flip with reverse double-pike into "you know nothing" which, without the punctuative comma would have made perfect sense, and indeed, unconsciously achieves precisely that effect, leaving you bewildered, but unwilling to think too deeply about the meaning as you've just had your ego massaged by the closing flattery of being "the smartest of all" which of course was never the real intent of the quote originator - quite the reverse, and carried out for his own perverted pleasure.
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The Bramble,

I know mate, but in this game of ours a little "Socrates" can add wisdom - in understanding that what do we really know? (is the meaning of life, the universe and everything really 42?)

Have a good new year mate

Disregarding all the above and previous, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members a Happy New Year and Best Wishes for your Collective and Individual Success in your endeavours in the coming trading season.
Happy NY to u che!

Disregarding all the above and previous, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members a Happy New Year and Best Wishes for your Collective and Individual Success in your endeavours in the coming trading season.

Matey same best wishes to u!

Where r u hiding these days? 🙂 At least I have an excuse of spending some time in Saudi Arabia ..... 🙂

Feliz Ano Nuevo compadre! Hv u heard what hap'd in BsAs? heard many times never go to clubs in Barrio Once ..... 🙁
Hola China ! Mira tus mensajes privados. Yo ya no hago comentarios publicos.

"It watches your private messages. I no longer comment out publicly"

Babelfish is useful upto a point. Try sanskrit for really secure comms. 🙂

Feliz Año Nuevo
Happy New Year and prosperous wishes to you all. If you want a good laugh, read a book called,
"You can't cheat an honest man" Starts with Ponzi and things just slide downhill from there. It's a wonder our species survives.....
Your Statement:~

trendie said:
"It watches your private messages. I no longer comment out publicly"

Babelfish is useful upto a point. Try sanskrit for really secure comms. 🙂

Feliz Año Nuevo
The English translation of my public post in reply to China is as follows:

"Look to your Private Message Inbox. I no longer make public postings", and not
"It watches your private messages, etc.,".

Whereas you obviously publicly imply that Private Messages are not secure.
Now let us see if you will venture to reveal how this is and why and who is doing it and for what reason, go on, I am certain the membership will be very interested.

And, notwithstanding the previous, a Happy New Year to you too.
Nom esto juilikkot con librigado on conpestulanto toda sanismo, ken?
Machino ailo olan con samnano on serbido ;-))

Are you saying Ken is a macho Serbian with a constipated libido?

If you are I assume you are reffering to Ken L?
Mr. Charts said:
Nom esto juilikkot con librigado on conpestulanto toda sanismo, ken?
Machino ailo olan con samnano on serbido ;-))

Estos juilikot suelenser hamorikot gedolot. Asin con librigado le fogheara la boberia,
aver si se las dan de sarawelles. Compestulanto todo sanismo i no sin
lazerio lazim ! Y si afahudness por yadim de hamorim no sea fin con sarmano.
Yo lo taase como siempre, vos lo ubquirre sin ailo olan finojo. Confunes. Cheers !