I think that "wolfpack" is a figment of your imagination.. I do not consider myself to be a wolf and am, certainly, not a trader with enough skill to be able to impart more than a few ideas that may, or may not be, of use to others on this site.
At the same time, I cannot be bothered to read page after page of autobiography, when I thought that I had found, perhaps, someone with some knowledge to impart. It has happened to many of us before. Go away for a few hours and come back and have to scan through five pages of, frankly, crap.
Your thread on regression analysis is interesting, to the point, and can be accepted, or rejected, on its content very quickly.
I suggest that you examine your own work and compare the differences between that and the other thread that you have started.
I am rarely guilty of calling anyone of being a vendor, by the way, because I am only interested in interesting posts and there are, believe it or not, interesting vendors.
If I caused you offence, I apologise.
Good trading.