ForexDan is SCAM


Junior member
Hi all,

Becarefull the program or investment program from

He just want your money and dont believe with what he said about he is living from trading forex.

His investment program is worst. People invest to him and cant withdraw the balance of the capital

He also give unreasonable reason like "where you can find investment can withdraw the balance of capital?"

He will twist the term and condition when you want to withdraw the balance capital.

Becareful with that and one more, his course program you can find out in many forum. Dont waste your money with this SCAM

Use your money wisely and becareful with this so call profitable forex trader.

For the past 6 months, he never make any profit. Just lose and lose......
Hi all,

Becarefull the program or investment program from

He just want your money and dont believe with what he said about he is living from trading forex.

His investment program is worst. People invest to him and cant withdraw the balance of the capital

He also give unreasonable reason like "where you can find investment can withdraw the balance of capital?"

He will twist the term and condition when you want to withdraw the balance capital.

Becareful with that and one more, his course program you can find out in many forum. Dont waste your money with this SCAM

Use your money wisely and becareful with this so call profitable forex trader.

For the past 6 months, he never make any profit. Just lose and lose......

sounds like me ............😆
Anybody can help to tell me what is the meaning of this term and condition:
"5.2 If the INVESTOR no longer wants to invest and continue investing with FOREX DAN PTY LTD, an email or written letter needs to be made at any time after the initial three months. This one can take up to two weeks to cancel the Investment Agreement"

May i know what is your interpretation about above point? Thanks
If you invested in the SCAM Forexdan, be ready that your capital never return.

He will refuse to return your capital balance by giving many excuse and many bull*****

try it if you dont believe......
Thanks to update us about forex scam you faced. These days such things are increasing very rapidly as new brokers are coming in bulk in forex market.
Ahh Leo. A great guy who wanted to learn to trade. Taught him and he still complained.

Investment account is still active and being traded, we are in month 4 and yes no returns as to date. Scam? Not at all, which is why I have closed down any further applications for the fund.
i got an email from forexdan SCAM. he want to run away with investor money. he mention that he will closing down on september or october.

he show his real ass****( its really ass****) person.

im laughing reading his email. only time can tell who is right and wrong.

an ass**** always make a hole like his ass with big hole.

once again to you who consider this scam, keep your money and enjoy for yourself.

its just a matter of time you will hear his scam gone and no info.

happily take investor money and run...... really ass****
patricia12, you are right and its definitely right. who dont want easy money?

and thank you for your opinion. its will open people eyes who want to invest and they will more careful.
additional info from my latest post. i got this email

Hey all,News for the upcoming week can be found on the Forex Factory website.Forex Dan Pty Ltd will be closing towards September/October this year. The mentoring/coaching will cease and the Investment Accounts will come to a close as well towards end of year. Reason being, is I'm very burnt out from it all. Forex Dan has been running for little over one year now and the pressure of it all has taken it's toll. I want to go back to trading for myself and enjoying the freedom which is Forex of not being tied down to anything. The sacrifices I have made in the last 6 months alone are just not worth it for me to keep company going.

justify by yourself and enjoy.......

no need explain. no point to explain and waste my time.

let the people justify you. hope you can sleep well and bless in what you do.
above is my last post and i will not continue this post. just wait end of the year and see what is the result. arguing what is in future is no point.

just wait and see.... bye all......... you can PM me if you want........
allysius2005: Unfortunately that's the risk you take when you put your money in the hands of someone else. I am not a Forex Dan investor, but I do know someone who is and have therefore a limited understanding of the company structure

I cannot vouch for Forex Dan's qualifications or experience, but as far as I can ascertain, his background is in telecommunications. He is not a CPA, CA and does not hold a commerce degree of any kind. As fund manager myself, and managing several millions of dollars for my clients, I can appreciate the nature of the industry and the necessary qualifications.

Following a brief review of the trading Statement a few months ago, I have observed the abysmal performance of the account and feel that I can safely say the organisation has no appreciation or understanding of risk, particularly considering the fact they are managing clients’ money. The Profit Statement suggested that a number of small trades between $30 and $100 were executed and a couple of horrendously over-leveraged trades losing several $1000s were also taken. This is not the performance of any professional fund manager.

Did you do any type of research into this Forex Dan enterprise before investing your money? I think that you have ‘gambled’ your money with an unqualified retail trader as opposed to being ‘scammed’!
hi Steve60,

thank you for the reply and the information. Its really great and full of information.

regarding the risk he took, im agree that he dont know about risk management. he let the lose run and cut the profit.

i know the risk and the amount that i invested its not big amount. I did the research.

my consideration to invest with him are
1. i checked the company and registered in Australian
2. the previous statement of his trading
3. i talked to him easily and he give information what i need

im suspecting the money will never return when he took vacation for 2 weeks with reason burn out from the trading and need fresh air.

the most important thing that why i post him as scam is his term and condition. I post the term and condition point 5.2 in this thread. i requested to withdraw the balance of the capital but he said cannot withdraw, the investment running until the money become 0.

Thats answer is so ridiculous and showing that he just want to take people money.

the latest information that he sent is he will close down this investment program by end of this year.

I never know how much capital the total investment since he never state.

but i did the research with pepperstone and figure out some information.

To get a fish we need to lure with good bait and the starving fish will eat the bait.

Steve60, i really appreciate your comment and i learn from that.
hi all,

quick update because i laugh at hell. the scam sent an email and mention that he loses all investor money and apologise.

the stupid thing he did is he sent out the report from jan 2012 till june 2012 with total loses 12k only.

so he really use the investor money for other things. he really scam....

who is laughing now??? the real scammer show his asshole face.

below are the copy.of the email:
Hey all,So the Forex Dan Pty Ltd Investment Account comes to a close. There is $0 funds in the account to be traded. I do apologise to those that invested and unfortunately only wish the account went the other way.*After a long haul, the bigger trades were the downfall as you can see in the report. Short quick trades were very successful but not enough to become profitable after big losses.*Thanks,Dan.