Forex trading training

why not spend some time at T2Win looking at the beginners areas....?

dont spend money on courses yet until you do more research

Hi, can anyone suggest any good forex trading training courses in London please?

Isabel, I'm afraid no such thing exists - this is not an industry with accreditation or an Institute of note and it is perfectly legal to declare yourself an expert without being so.

Learning to trade forex is an extremely long journey where most of what you learn that is worth a damn will be self taught. The boards are a good start, but you are looking at years and years of pain ahead.
Isabel, I'm afraid no such thing exists - this is not an industry with accreditation or an Institute of note and it is perfectly legal to declare yourself an expert without being so.

Learning to trade forex is an extremely long journey where most of what you learn that is worth a damn will be self taught. The boards are a good start, but you are looking at years and years of pain ahead.

That's strange because lots seem to pop up on Google?? I was just wondering if anyone knew which one was best, or if anybody had any knowledge on any them?
why not spend some time at T2Win looking at the beginners areas....?

dont spend money on courses yet until you do more research


The courses are very pricey it seems... But I do want to learn from a professional company, on possibly a one to one basis..
That's strange because lots seem to pop up on Google?? I was just wondering if anyone knew which one was best, or if anybody had any knowledge on any them?

Yes, but they are not accredited. By anyone. Except themselves. Zero privilege to practice exists in forex or trading in general.

Sounds like you're going to be meat for the grinder unfortunately, but you can see many posts on these boards about the seedy 'education' side of this industry.

This recent Guardian piece stopped going as far as to denounce them all, but only to avoid court....

Trialling 'learn to trade' stock market websites: can you get rich quick? | Money | The Guardian

Anyway, best of luck to you.
The courses are very pricey it seems... But I do want to learn from a professional company, on possibly a one to one basis..

Important : Please do your own research before finding a mentor.

I would like to recommend Chris Capre from 2ndskiesforex to learn price action as I have completed his one to one trading course successfully and it is worth for every penny.

I am not saying I am successful by mearly following that course. But you can imporive your trading.

Check 2ndskiesforex for free materials and got to know about him.
A quote which an old friend used to swear by comes to mind here,
'Common sense must dictate'

Be careful, if anything seems to good to be true then it probably is.

I recommend at least picking up the basics by reading through all of the FREE online information which is available. Utilise sources such as T2W and Investopedia. Ask questions, gain a general understanding. Then, if you still feel you need to pay for training, by all means go ahead, I'm sure there are plenty of valuable reputeable courses out there!
learn yourself....i have been learning for 3 solid months on my own, and will start proper testing (paper money and backtesting) in about 2 months time. Another 4/5 months i will go live.

read books, sites, thread, free courses, ask questions.

tráding is individual.....and the way you go at it is unique.

be zen as from study it seems discipline, consistency, and good RR is better than any system - which all have flaws.
Obviously you have to make your own mind up but I have had 5 figures in the account and never worried, the money is kept in the UK in segregated accounts. They've been going for ten years. MF Global and Worldspreads were regulated in US and UK but it never prevented miss-appropriation of funds. I can only go on my own experience. Which, although not huge, is reasonably informed I think.
You shouldn't have big accounts above insurance levels with any broker. Even with a big bank you have a degree of risk, UBS, BARX, RBS.

You are welcome 🙂
Yourself ?!

Hi, can anyone suggest any good forex trading training courses in London please?

Hi Isabel
Don't waste your money on training courses. They charge between £3,000-20,000 and you could learn more from books and paper trading than what they 'teach' you.
Not to mention that these companies will not only promise you the earth, but suck you in to a £3,000 course, get you excited and to believe you can do it - but that you really should do their next level up for another £5-9,000 !
My suggestion as to value for money and success is either
1. read all you can, see what speaks to you, fool around with it on a demo account and find a method that's 'you'. This organic process will take you around three months of daily exploration and reading. Using a demo account, or paper trading with an old fashioned notebook to record what you did and why and your P/L, you'll find you develop.
2. go get a trainee position with an arcade or suchlike. They shouldn't charge you to learn and if you show that you're passionate and making progress, then you'll be supported all the way to your first million.
Trading requires motivation and discipline above all. So ask your self what is your motivation, precisely, not I don't want to get a normal job !, and can you give me examples of where you can demonstrate that you have exerted self (not external, eg. school, etc) discipline in your life to date ? eg. won something at sport, started a business, set up and run a club or group, dieted, etc ?
You can do this, but many people waste a lot of time, money and heartbeats by not knowing why and whether they can do this.
WRITE IT DOWN -I want to trade because......(what will it do for you that other careers will not? etc)
Good luck
Don’t waste your time on courses!! There are many good trading tutorials that can be a great help for you.. You can also open demo accounts. Demo accounts are the best teachers for getting trading skills. P.S there’s a good tutorial, my favorite one I’ll suggest you to read..
Good Luck
I notice that this is an updated Thread ..........Isabel ....are you still with us ?
