I agree that it would be unfair to send the ebook or manual on its own. I have tested the system ( just like approx. 80 other Internet marketed systems ) and I must say its one of the best out there.
However :
a) you will have to get used to " fly a plane during a hurricane ", eg go for 20 pips with a leverage of 40:1. On a 1000 USD account this is not much, but my experience was that I achieved my 5% for several months and suddenly realized that the sums involved were really .....well, quite substantial. That made me nervous, which in turn made me overcautious. So I intentionally didnt increase the lot size. And I transferred the regular profits to a long-term second account. But that`s personal choice.
b) instead of bothering with George`s Oscar or Point & Figure ( or Golden Girls ) I have found a method to tweak the system in order to find my own reversal warning signs. However that requires a charting platform that displays range bars and not time based bars. Costs 50 USD monthly. Return : priceless.
George`s System works, dont believe anyone who tries to diminish its values. It`s simplicity is too hard for many gurus to bear with. So what.
All the best.