Forex trading live calls and set ups

I am thinking of closing this thread (Beachtrader voted a No)

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Yep, calls are either good or bad....problem is I know there has been more bad than good calls (don't need to add everything up), you see, why do retail traders think they can make 1000 percent per year trading forex when professional traders can not? Retail traders think they can make a living trading a £3k, or £5k or even a £10k account. Yes, these are seriously leveraged accounts but why think you can make a living at this? The problem is that their spreadsheet shows that very marginal trades over time can make them millionaires in 2 years(yeh right!, that's what the city boys want you to think so you'll chuck your money at them)....micro accounts mean they'll take anything from you as there are enough suckers out there. I was once told that you make money by never risking your own money, always someone elses!! Probably explains why the banks are in such a state, but think for a minute what the pro traders are doing with your micro account?
Ive been on this thread with live calls for a year now, and it would be very hard to make money from any of the traders on here,although quite a few are ahead. Watch more closely and you will see what I mean. Think more about your discipline and accept the losers that will come along, thats why I think you are struggling to understand the thraed as many do watching who watch the thread, If you see me or anyone call 6 losers in a row what would you think ? " he is a useless trader". If you think that then trading is not for you. Al,traders have losing runs and bad ones at that.
Yep, calls are either good or bad....problem is I know there has been more bad than good calls (don't need to add everything up), you see, why do retail traders think they can make 1000 percent per year trading forex when professional traders can not? Retail traders think they can make a living trading a £3k, or £5k or even a £10k account. Yes, these are seriously leveraged accounts but why think you can make a living at this? The problem is that their spreadsheet shows that very marginal trades over time can make them millionaires in 2 years(yeh right!, that's what the city boys want you to think so you'll chuck your money at them)....micro accounts mean they'll take anything from you as there are enough suckers out there. I was once told that you make money by never risking your own money, always someone elses!! Probably explains why the banks are in such a state, but think for a minute what the pro traders are doing with your micro account?

Not sure I'd agree with this... Firstly, the majority of calls here are profitable... Now I'm a bit drunk so if the rest doesn't make sense then apologies, lol.

Professional traders don't make what? There are day traders out there churning 50% month after month. Granted, longer term traders don't but then they're generally moving serious sums so are in a completely different game to us. Personally, I dunno what I'll make - need a few years to get that straight but on a leveraged account there are decent % gains to be made. Retail trading is not the same game as the pro's who hold multi million $+ positions so the two cannot be compared.

There is plenty of evidence out there proving that people do indeed make a living from relatively small accounts (less than 50k).. I mean $10 per pip - 400 pips per month smashes national average UK wage to bits and that is consistently do-able...
Not sure I'd agree with this... Firstly, the majority of calls here are profitable... Now I'm a bit drunk so if the rest doesn't make sense then apologies, lol.

Professional traders don't make what? There are day traders out there churning 50% month after month. Granted, longer term traders don't but then they're generally moving serious sums so are in a completely different game to us. Personally, I dunno what I'll make - need a few years to get that straight but on a leveraged account there are decent % gains to be made. Retail trading is not the same game as the pro's who hold multi million $+ positions so the two cannot be compared.

There is plenty of evidence out there proving that people do indeed make a living from relatively small accounts (less than 50k).. I mean $10 per pip - 400 pips per month smashes national average UK wage to bits and that is consistently do-able...

Sure it is. But there needs to be an element of capital growth to fill a healthy business plan. Withdrawing all monthly profits will eventually lead to account decay if consistency fluctuates. I for one will never assume my consistency will always be peachy. You never know what lies ahead.

you must be the only one trading this week, surely might be wiser to wait till after the new year??

you must be the only one trading this week, surely might be wiser to wait till after the new year??

Vince, also there often can be huge moves around holiday times and bank holidays,as long as theres liquidity theres normal rules apply imho.
Nice to pop in and nick the pips though, pay for a few more minces
Vince, also there often can be huge moves around holiday times and bank holidays,as long as theres liquidity theres normal rules apply imho.
Nice to pop in and nick the pips though, pay for a few more minces

well done LF, i was long myself but the market moved to quick for me to post the trade

i have been gobbling up the points over this christmas so finding no differnece to anytime of the year
Lol and finally old ma flashearts secret trading recipe finally moves into positive teritory

overall score now at + 11 in 32 trades accross 12 trading days.Hope it stays that way into the new year
Lol and finally old ma flashearts secret trading recipe finally moves into positive teritory

overall score now at + 11 in 32 trades accross 12 trading days.Hope it stays that way into the new year

Nice trade Lord,looks like it might go a bit higher,just need that h & s daily on chunnel to play out.


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Chunnel day h & s and 4 hr channel


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Woke up late but managed to catch 40pips on EUR/USD shorted 1.31502 closed 1.31102.

Such a shame, would have liked a 160pip day from top to bottom 🙁. Manage to catch 1.31502 during the small retracement at 3:45pm GMT.
Woke up late but managed to catch 40pips on EUR/USD shorted 1.31502 closed 1.31102.

Such a shame, would have liked a 160pip day from top to bottom 🙁. Manage to catch 1.31502 during the small retracement at 3:45pm GMT.

nice trade and welcome to the thread

please try and make calls live,posting after the event serves no purpose in a live call thread
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Sure it is. But there needs to be an element of capital growth to fill a healthy business plan. Withdrawing all monthly profits will eventually lead to account decay if consistency fluctuates. I for one will never assume my consistency will always be peachy. You never know what lies ahead.

Never a more true word, one thing making money, totally another thing withdrawing capital to cover daily living expenses. The difference between pro's and amateurs is consistency (pro's know where their next pay check is coming from, no matter how bad the draw down is in any month).

I have a minimum 12 months expenses covered in a bank account (which is never put at risk on any trade). I could not feel comfortable risking any capital on any trade without knowing that no matter what happens with a trade I can support my family for a minimum of 12 months. That's only me, many would be happy risking next weeks grocery bill, not a good way of trading for me personally!

well done on the pips.

During the holiday season the ranges tend to be smaller and the larger moves tend to come in sharp moves rather then nice trends, spikes either way can also be more common.

Not saying you can not be profitable during these periods but isn't the whole point of it been the holiday season that we take a holiday, spend time with the family, move our thoughts away from trading/work for a while and wind down, re-energise?

Don't get me wrong I've been tempted to trade this week as well but I told my wife I would be spending the time with her and our son instead rather then glued to the screen and isolated.

I try to minimise distractions when trading and trying to be a 'good dad/husband' and trade at the same time doesn't work for me. when i'm trading I can not give them my full attention and it's not worth doing a half job with them and a half job trading.

Anyway I hope you continue next year as your ending this one, in profit and smiling, much better then the grumpy flashy 😉
Sorry, thread for live trades and did not obey the rules.

I'm short eur/usd, target of 500 plus pips, my indicators still say short big time on eur/usd and will probably still be short next couple of weeks as my indicators have a big lagg on any changes in direction (small downside which I'm trying to fix). Waiting and hoping for a break through 13000 handle!

I don't post live trades as only make 2 trades a day, one long term (short eur/usd) and one daily short targeting 120 pips or so on the down side( as indicators are showing a short), that should cover live trades for the next 2 weeks for me.
Sorry, thread for live trades and did not obey the rules.

I don't post live trades as only make 2 trades a day, one long term (short eur/usd) and one daily short targeting 120 pips or so on the down side( as indicators are showing a short), that should cover live trades for the next 2 weeks for me.

Just post the daily one then 🙂
Just post the daily one then 🙂

lol, okay then.

Closing price at 8pm gmt was 13117, so short at 13117 with target of 12997 and stop at 13417. Will repeat daily trade everyday at 8p.m. until such time as indicators reverse direction, btw, target of 120 pips changes daily based on average trading range of eur/usd.👍