Forex traders and fund managers wanted for management of managed accounts!



EurAsia Markets is looking for FOREX TRADERS to trade clients' accounts. Anyone can apply!

The company has about $10,000,000 worth of managed accounts. Successful applicants will be given a test account before a live account is designated. Payout is on a profit sharing basis. Depending on performance, it ranges from 20/80 to 40/60. Contact me for details.

1. EAs are allowed
2. minimum of 15 trades a month
3. Drawdown of not more than 30%
4. Average profit of 2% a month
5. win rate of at least 55% - break even is considered a win
6. You MUST have a track record of at least 1 year. I.E. At least 52 weeks of live trading
7. Not more than 3 losing months in a year. not more than 2 consecutive losing months
8. ALL trading techniques are allowed.

I hope this is not too difficult for you.

For your information:
1. EurAsia Markets uses ECN
2. EurAsia Markets has a maximum leverage of 1:100

How to apply
contact me with details of your track record and your trading style
You may also contact me for queries
[email protected]

EurAsia Markets Pty Ltd (ACN 166 422 386) is an authorised representative of Global Prime Pty Ltd (ABN 58 136 930 526) (AFSL 385620) to provide financial services online and offline to institutional and retail investors.
if u r into future trading specially index like ftse s and p what profit target do u expect and what is the ratio of leverage for intradytrading
those conditions are bullsh*t. no self respecting trader would agree to those terms.
minimum nr of trades per month ? 😆😆
I think the condition wasn't too bad after all and not more than 30% is serious. A pro trader will less than 10% and usually it is on 8%. Minimum 15 trades wasn't that bad, 1 week 5 trades, 4 weeks you got 20. Is that kind of condition killing people? I think most pro do 8-10 per week, at least those I know.
The company has about $10,000,000 worth of managed accounts.
hmm, is it a brokers company ??
or some people linked with druglord, needed to cleanse up his money and turn into draglot. 🙂
Managers wanted for management of managed accounts? Hmmm...

Hello Daniel,

Do take a look at my performance for this year on myfxbook: . The profit achieved this year was quite high hence the quite high drawdown. I have in place a risk management plan to avoid a drawdown of more than 25% on this risk level. I also have in place 2 lower risk level plans to start in January 2015 with expected drawdown of no more than 9% and 3% with yearly ROI of 300%, 100% and 30% respectively.

Habib Adeku

I can't see how this is attractive to any proficient trader. Lets say you have 10 traders working for you, I suspect they wouldn't have more than 50k each if they know what they are doing. I take it the lions share of the profit goes to the firm. So lets assume a trader makes 15% a month on 50k they end up with 3k a month in their pocket (given they are on 40/60)!!! hardly worth it since they only need 20k of their own money to achieve the same income on their own terms.

I can't see how this is attractive to any proficient trader. Lets say you have 10 traders working for you, I suspect they wouldn't have more than 50k each if they know what they are doing. I take it the lions share of the profit goes to the firm. So lets assume a trader makes 15% a month on 50k they end up with 3k a month in their pocket (given they are on 40/60)!!! hardly worth it since they only need 20k of their own money to achieve the same income on their own terms.

I think your calculation is a bit skewed. I agree with your point that this thread looks a bit suspect and it shouldn't really whet any ones appetite but for the purpose of being correct and fair lets take a step back...

The 50k each trader gets is there to be used for margin. It isn't the deal size and Its not what they try and make 15% on. They'll be looking to make far more than a 7.5k monthly return because the 50k will be geared up by using leverage perhaps as high as 100:1. Each trade they do with the 50k pot could therefore be as high as 5m of notional. These trades will have a far bigger impact on monthly PnL than 7.5k.

EUR/USD for example in a €5m deal size will be worth $500 per pip in PnL terms. If they manage to make 20 points per day at the end of the month they would be up $200,000 ($500 per pip * 20 pips * 20 days). Taking 40% of that is worth something. If they crash and burn by using such high leverage they may lose nothing but the opportunity.

The firm on the other hand would either pull the plug very quickly once the drawdown has gone through the agreed tight parameters or let you carry on dealing and losing, happy that they will be getting nice rebates from the broker on those €5m EUR/USD deals. If they're getting 50% rebates on these deals and also widening the 1 pip spread by 3 pips then they could be getting $1000 per deal in rebates alone. Doesn't matter if the poor old client who has invested some of that 50k is getting a raw deal as long as the 'management' company is getting some good rebates.

They're never going to find the next warren buffet. they don't need to, they just need to find people who will lose money slowly and clients that fall for the spiel about some magic made up ROI number.

Some money management firms are excellent but most aren't. I haven't come across many in the last 10+ years who are able to sustain winning runs much longer than a few months. Don't believe what they tell you, or show you. If you do choose one then choose one that is recommended by someone you trust who has money invested with them and can vouch for the returns.

Most importantly, only deposit money with an EU regulated broker that has an insurance fund and in a UK bank protected by the FSCS. Don't accept anything other than full authority and control on your account and immediate no cost redemption of your funds.

Iam yogesh salaskar from india.Iam fulltime forex trader.I am in forex trading from last 8 year.Iam very interested work for your company.So please send all details .

Awaiting your reply,

Thanking you,


Mr.Yogesh Salaskar