FOREX signals service that works very well for me, but..?


hey.. jason here.. ive been trading now primarily in forex for about 3 1/2 years.. and for the past 6 months ive been using a signals service that has worked incredibly well for me, especially when compared to 2 other bogus services ive tried.. i've made a pretty significant amount of money with's spot on accurate probably about 90% of the time... so I trust the integrity of these people.. but my question is, im thinking about upgrading my membership to the diamond edition, which enables me to use a new autotrade service they are now offering, which basically supposedly takes all these accurate signals and trades them for me all automatically, like a robot.. this carries a monthly membership fee of of just under 100 dollars... the only reason i havent done it yet is because i know there are similar things out there, these trading robots and what-not, like fapturbo for example that i know are total scams... these guys have had an excellent track record with me so far... but im a bit weary when it comes to this auto-trade thing. any advice comments or suggestions would be appreciated.. thanks
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Forex Ambush 2.0 Autotrader

🙁I have odered this autotrader for about 2 month. At the beginning my account is growing up form $2'000 up to 2'900. Than on one day the auto-trader open 2 trade (in normal case only one is possible), both losing $1'000 -marging call, and $2'000 are gone.
From Ambush there is never come an answer. All support-question is going to [email protected]. And this gay say's that is absolute inpossible. They write:
#1 You incorrectly configured the margin/deposit for each traded lots (if you are using Automatic Lot Selection you need to use it not less than $500 or better $600 per traded lot).
Ambush say never had a trade that is not ending with a profit. This is very simple.
They open a trade without stoplos, an wait for going in the winning zone.
Actually there is a short trade eur/chf opend at 13. Juli, and this is still open with a unrealized lose of $99.
The last statemanet on Statements - Forex Ambush 2.0 - 100% Accurate Artificial Intelligence Forex Trading Signals ist from 1. may. (""Ambush said😛roduces returns in excess of
+160% monthly, +2,000% annually!
Every Trade Closes In Profit, No Losing Trades!")) i think with up to 2 trade per month this is absolutly bull****!!
Expierience with fab-Turbo and shark 5.0

i have buyed fapturbo ($97 lifetime) and shark ($97 lifetime). both are expert advisor for the metatrader platform. Fapturbo has very often losing trade with up to $650.
The wining trade are $80-100. By Shark 5.0 i think after 6 trade with $80-100, there is a losing trade with $650.

Now i am a member of "Pip Mavens" $67/month. There are a homestudy-Course in 6 part, but you have only access to the first during 1 month, and then to the second during one month. in part one there are a lot of stuff.
I'll let you into a little secret ...

Just Google the opening 15 words, but substitute "James" for "Jason"

ie: hey.. james here.. ive been trading now primarily in forex for about 3 1/2 years ...

Now please tell me what Google returned as the first 100 references ...


No Robot can make you money in the long run.
They are programmed to trade in a certain way.
They do not consider the changes that come in the market from time to time.
They cannot adapt themselves.
End result is always a loss.

I have traded all of the EAs including Fapturbo and I lost a lot of money believe me.
The only people who make money are the developers of these so called Robots.

I can offer $10,000.00 for a Robot that would make money consistently for a year.
I will test it first and if it works for a year, I am willing to pay $10,000.00


No Robot can make you money in the long run.
They are programmed to trade in a certain way.
They do not consider the changes that come in the market from time to time.
They cannot adapt themselves.
End result is always a loss.

I have traded all of the EAs including Fapturbo and I lost a lot of money believe me.
The only people who make money are the developers of these so called Robots.

I can offer $10,000.00 for a Robot that would make money consistently for a year.
I will test it first and if it works for a year, I am willing to pay $10,000.00


John send me the 10k and I have a robot that I will guarantee make you at least $1 a month. Full guarantee applies - if you don't win will refund the $12 after a year.😆😆😆