Just a word of advice, I have had my fair share of these rebate IB and more often than not they are not a true IBs.
1. In order to be a true IB they should never have access to your funds
2. Never have direct access to you account
3. Should be NFA regulated (in the US, FSA in the UK)
4. Should be able to offer reference or proof of past business.
Now I am not going to make any suggestion on the premise of sounding too biased, but feel free to PM if you want to hear my personal opinion.
Yes, Steve you are right. Currently I am discussing terms with many brokers as an IB and can confirm, that IB never has direct acces to your funds, unless you fill Power of Attorney form to make the selected IB as your money manager.
IB does not have direct access to any's account, just IB gets reports every month about trading volume per every referred trader.
IB can not solicit US citizens, otherwise IB should have NFA license.
For UK market. I am dealing with some brokers that operates in UK and there were no requests from their side to be FSA regulated.
To conclude, IB should be regulated with its local Forex regulating authority.
As a individual trader I get rebates from some IBs, and it is good thing adding about 20% revenue more (because I can not get rebates from my own company).
From my side as an IB, who is offering rebates.
I require brokers, to whom I work as an IB, not to levy spreads, commissions or fees to the end trader. It stays the same as it would be if the trader registers directly at broker. So there is no problem to register and get rebates - you still would get the same trading conditions, just minimizing your costs.
If anyone has direct questions, please PM me or go to
Rebates. Discounts. Cashback. - ForexTradingChoice.com