Forex opportunities dying?

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Junior member
Hi All,

I understand that around ten years ago ATR in the majors was very large, I believe this has since diminished. The reasons for this may be due to HFT (although I'm not sure if its effects are as marked in FX as they are in equities).

What do you guys think of what the future may hold? Will there come a time wherein it may not be possible to trade successfully unless you are in a major bank or hedge fund?

I can't see that happening. Not as there are more retail traders now than ever thanks to the Internet.

As long as there are traders there will be a market and where there's money there's people!
Fx is unlike other markets. It's synonymous to glue that holds international trading together. If a hedge fund based in the UK wants to get into a trade in an Asian market they typically need to exchange sterling into the Asian currency to complete the trade. Everything needs funding and therefore fx implicitly participates in other markets. Sure the average range isn't what it used to be but you have to remember some trading giants are out of the game and in general the market is more attuned to lower risk due to the economical factors. There are plenty of opportunities. I suggest not focusing on those big moves and instead focus on bread and butter type moves that happen every week
Hi All,

I understand that around ten years ago ATR in the majors was very large, I believe this has since diminished. The reasons for this may be due to HFT (although I'm not sure if its effects are as marked in FX as they are in equities).

What do you guys think of what the future may hold? Will there come a time wherein it may not be possible to trade successfully unless you are in a major bank or hedge fund?


Everything evolves to survive......just plug into the channel and go with the flow....

Everything evolves to survive......just plug into the channel and go with the flow....


"They can pass all the laws they want. All they can do is change the rules. They can never stop the game. I don't go away. I adapt." - Lawrence Garfield in Other People's Money (1991)

Not sure about 10 years ago, but compared to 7 years ago intra-day volatility is great, EUR/USD is the biggest game in town now with a lot more participants than ever before, which creates good opportunities.
I don't think that the traders who are in a major bank or hedge fund only can make profit in near future. There are number of traders making profit in it and also not associated with any major bank. Trading rules may be change, trading styles may be change but Forex always be a GAME.
I don't see the Forex market going away from a retail point of view any time soon. It is more popular than ever right now, and quite an industry has grown up around it. It goes through the odd period of change, and some market periods are tougher to trade successfully than others, but overall I don't see the market disappearing, or becoming impossible to trade from a retail standpoint.
Adapt or die - Darwin said it is those most able to adapt that survive not the fittest as oft mis quoted. The same holds true in financial markets. For eg only a few weeks the 20 day atr of gbpusd cash was 85 pips it had come back up to 121 recently but is now at 110 as of today, you simply have to have an edge (s) capable of making money in all market conditions or change your instrument (s) after all they are just that - instruments, and whilst it is probably true to say that all have their own peculiar characteristics they are all driven by greed and fear manifistening as supply and demand.

that's not true, won't dying. lots of opportunities in the market. the problem is how to catch them.
that's not true, won't dying. lots of opportunities in the market. the problem is how to catch them.

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