Forex Multi-Screen


Active member
Hi all, i have a forex strategy that seems to work well, basically it is trading intraday consolidation breakouts. However my problem is if i have a trade on i have to monitor the position, so i keep missing trading opportunities on other FX pairs. I dont wait round too long if my position is moving against me i just exit. When i look back over several currency pairs over the days session there are many trades i could have taken if only i was watching them develop, its too difficult to flip between the majors pairs on a laptop constantly. But if i could catch more trades i would be much more profitable and not as bored!

Im thinking of purchasing a multi monitor trading computer you can have up to 12 screens if you want, i just dont know if it will be worth it, also the trading computer is not cheap it will be over £2k will all them screens. Its also very large i was wondering is this common with traders? Does anybody else use one? Thanks.
try flip to a higher time frame and you will have better chance of catching them
I have just updated my trading platform to a 17in laptop and a 24in 2nd screen which i flip over 90 degrees which can then display 5 charts, any decent laptop can run a 2nd screen. I may get a 2nd 24in which would let me have 10 charts if i found the need, although 4 on each would be sweet. I thought about going down the lots of screens route but ended up with a large hi res display as it made more sense to me. Regards
I just bought a couple of 2nd hand monitors + video card off ebay, to give a 3 screen setup. Total cost was less than £100. Poor mans version of your multiscreen setup but it works just as well...
Also note, that you can change the video card of a laptop; however it will probably be expensive. If possible opt for an external graphics card which has extra video outputs.

It look like you are a good candidate for automation. Not sure what you platform is but I have 2 strategies in auto mode using Tradestation. My setup is TS->NT->IB and I run them in hundred of charts with out any problems. If you invest the time to write the rules for entry exit you will be using your time to find new opportunities. Autotrading sometimes has exist that are not as efficient as discretionary trading but you make it by having multiple trades.

Good luck
if you use a program called maxivista (which is under 30 euros) you can use old portables as external monitors, even if they have two screens. if you have two of them you can have up to 5 screens on a single pc, it works reasonably fine and if you have some old laptops (or buy them cheap) its surely cheaper than buying high end gfx cards..
Hi all, i have a forex strategy that seems to work well, basically it is trading intraday consolidation breakouts. However my problem is if i have a trade on i have to monitor the position, so i keep missing trading opportunities on other FX pairs. I dont wait round too long if my position is moving against me i just exit. When i look back over several currency pairs over the days session there are many trades i could have taken if only i was watching them develop, its too difficult to flip between the majors pairs on a laptop constantly. But if i could catch more trades i would be much more profitable and not as bored!

Im thinking of purchasing a multi monitor trading computer you can have up to 12 screens if you want, i just dont know if it will be worth it, also the trading computer is not cheap it will be over £2k will all them screens. Its also very large i was wondering is this common with traders? Does anybody else use one? Thanks.

do you have a laptop?
do you have a sensible tv with a 15 pin monitor in?

if you do just connect em up and adjust settings in display for 2 monitors.
