Forex is Easy.

Forex is not very easy or nor very difficult. It is easy to make money in forex but we like to complicate them as much as we can.
Forex is not very easy or nor very difficult. It is easy to make money in forex but we like to complicate them as much as we can.

Those who get to a certain level make informed decisions using nodes from their right brain they do not realize they have.

Trades begin to go in their favor, systems or methods begin to work, so they look back on the past and think that all they had to do was simplify and stop making things so complicated.

I don't believe that is true.

I think when someone starts out, their CPU-brain just isn't up to the task of trading yet. It is gathering information behind the scenes and sorting things out either in a clean or disorganized manner. This takes time for you to become acquainted with information, patterns, theories, psychologies involved.

For someone who is adept at the process of organizing and storing information in mass amounts like Programmers, doctors, lawyers, dentists(youre welcome Mr. charts), this is an smoother transition but still not an easy one.

When you find profits and start to become comfortable it's very easy to say that the markets are a breeze, but they are not, you've just become talented.