Forex Hedging Strategy that guarantee profit


Hedge4x and my friends are using this strategy for many months and very
happy with the return. Here is the strategy:


Hello Everyone:

For those already know this strategy, then you know what I am talking about
and congratulation on finally finding a way to make money weeks after weeks;
if you like to exchange idea on how to improve this strategy to make
even more money, please feel free to share, and it might even make you feel good inside 🙂

For those do not know this strategy, please let me know what you think.

You will need two brokers for this type of strategy:

For the broker that pay interest:
You can use anyone out there.
We all use the same broker because we are very happy with
their service. we also get $1 rebate per round lot.

trade 1: buy 1 lot gbpjpy and collect around $22/day

For the broker that does not charge interest:
We all have accounts with this broker and very happy so far. I have account with them since last year.
Not too many brokers out there allow interest free.
You just have to know who to talk to. Be careful, there are lots of scam out there.
Do google search first on the broker or ask referral before open accounts with them.

trade 2: sell 1 lot gbpjpy and pay no interest charge.

The idea is to hold these two positions as long as you can.
We don't care what direction gbpjpy goes. We just make money off the interest, daily.
But you must constantly trade on the interest free broker to make the broker happy.
The broker makes their money on the spread. Since they already
loose money for not charging us interest. We need to trade everyday and make even more
money. We have a way to this. We call it triple hedging. At the end, everyone is happy 🙂

Some of our friends started out small like $1000 on each account.
It does not take long before they deposit more and more money into their accounts.

Let me know if you want to open account with
this interest free broker or "the broker with $1 rebate".

You can also contact via email [email protected]
or [email protected]

Happy Hedging 🙂
Sounds like a very good strategy to me as long as you can find this broker that does not charge interest and who is also reliable and honest.
I've frequently heard that the non-interest bucketshops will quickly close your account if you do this. If you have found a (reasonably creditworthy) one that does not please let us know.
Interesting idea for a "carry trade" however instead of having to deal with brokers that dont charge interest , you can actually hedge the position in the futures market since you're mainly interested in the "interest differential" . Another idea is to even go for a better cross like the AUDJPY and earn more . However , the skill is hedging properly and timely.
hello and thank you

thanks for letting me join your group, i have been wondering about this for a long time, i don't understand how u can make money doing this if you are constantly opening and closing trades because of the spreads. but it wouldn't be the first time i didn't understand something.
i was thinking u could do this by not overtrading and just transfer money from one acct to the other. Interbank will pay 21.55 on the gbp/jpy buy im sure that there are others that pay more. but like you say the broker that doesnt charge has to make a living too.please enlighten me
Nice strategy!

However, if you search for it,as long as i know, Marketiva doesn't charge overnight interest..
Please preview their website : Marketiva - Home

They introduce no overnight interest for all positions.

Happy hedging.. 🙂
Hello all,

I don't know if this thread is still active, but I wanted to double-check and see if anyone out there knows of a forex broker that does not charge overnight interest. Finding one seems to be the most crucial part in being able to implementing this hedging strategy.

While there do appear to be brokers that are "muslim-friendly" and thus do not charge or pay overnight interest on positions held, I think there is some mechanism at the end of the month whereby the trader settles up with the broker for interest that should have been payed/charged. So it's a difference in name only.

Anyway, I would really appreciate it if someone could post any brokers that they know of that fit this description, even if they are overseas. I noticed that the last poster mentioned Marketiva, but based on a quick google search, it appears as though this company is rather controversial (and on its website there is no contact information, so I have no clue where they are located). So, preferably a company that is less controversial -- Thanks.
I dont have an account with them yet but Crown Forex may be just what you are looking for. Good luck.
Couldn't you use a spread betting company like IG Index for the short position, effectively you're not buying or selling anything with them but simply placing a bet on market direction so no interest to pay, as far as I know.
No, it was never really any good in the first place... Not if you think about it a little bit.
No, it was never really any good in the first place... Not if you think about it a little bit.

Well that's the problem. Most people don't want to actually THINK or do some work. Where can we all find the lazy man's way to riches??
