Forex Banks Research


Junior member
Does any one know of places on the net to get bank research you can find a small part of deutushe bank and barclays research notes at saxo banks site.

I find that the deutushe bank notes give good support and resistance levels.

If there are other sites out there let us know saxo requires registering which is free
The third party research is good but the research notes you can get from the banks e.g UBS, Barclays Bank ,Credit sussie ,

is the stuff i am trying to get hold of as the banks are the players in the fx market there notes can be reliable .
The banks have to get their information from somewhere else to do their research. Why not search the banks own websites?
banks market

the banks make the prices they no exactly were the market is going to trade at and how to confuse most of the traders in fx.

I have a technical approach to the market which is how i trade off charts and i see there levels but it is interesting to read the reports and see were they are playing it from.

i would like to work for a bank but i have no degree or reputation other than i consitantly make money trading fx from home and i done a bit in london at a arcade
As to how much of the banks' research to read if one was to rely on them to make his trading decision: one man's meat is another man's leftover (I can't remember the exact phrase).

Banks employ people to do their research. Different banks employ different kinds of people, different temperaments, likes, dislike, even biases. What the researcher in one bank thinks and writes may not be the same as what the researcher of another bank writes and thinks. An American banker may not think very highly of China banks while China bankers may think highly of American salary.
banks make the market retail traders do not the stuff they write is what the market thinks at the time the research is no use to trading on its there to understand what the market thought at the time of the move in price during the day main examples china reval europe refferndum political comments that is why the market is trending to up or downside the fundamentals to the technical price reactions we see on our charts

no what i mean
It's amazing how anyone can understand #9, let alone decipher the hidden meaning in that one sentence without any punctuation mark.
i m talking about the banks as a whole the banking community provide the prices we trade. payrolls is a different subject complet market emotion.
Out of all traders in the fx market the banks are the pros in this business they have vast knowledege people and infomation on the markets.
i may have the wrong end of the stick but the fx market is quite simply a market otc market unlike futures we do not get to see volumes we do not trade trader to trader like futures its all over the counter via the banks quote i m not talking retail 3 pip spread i mean 1.2000 bid 1.2001 offerd. price will move from technical level to technical level drivin by fundamental reasons.
Like today the banking hedge fund retail shops where 1.1950-60 bid 1.2030 offered ,rumur was russian buying price took 1.2030 resitanceout know support know 30 will be bid 60 offered as there are stops above here so these are the level to concentrate at into asian session will probaly be the range. know the banks can see these orders there and will protect or target them. We only see the technical levels on charts but i try to get as much infomation of the as possible market flow it has flow .
Bit off topic but people should realise that they have a huge advantage over banks rather than thinking that banks hold all the aces - they don't and if you have such a negative mindset there is no way you should be trading.

As a bank you have to quote prices in all sorts of conditions when frankly you would prefer to have no position and try and work out what is happening. As a non bank I don't care who you trade with but you have access to a, say, euro dollar price between 1.5 ticks and 3 ticks wide in all conditions. If you want a position then have one, if you don't understand what is going on then be square. That is a huge edge or advantage over the banks/market makers.