Forex autopilot


Active member
Hi all,

Just got the forex autopilot for FREE, hahaha, or maybe not.. It has numerous settings, can anyone advise on the best one...

Please no critiscm's, i'll make them if it is **** and post them back here.

Free to try...
With this kind of performance it sounds like you were robbed by getting it for free and that you should have been paid to have it.

Whoorp whooorp PULL UP .....whooorp whoooorp PULL UP whooorp whoooorp PULL UP , It's a good job I'm Zen trained ! Brace yourself everybody...... smile...... whooorp whoooorp PUl..
Paul, it certainly seems that way 😆 worth a try i suppose, how can these people get it so wrong, if they reversed their system they would be millionaires... or have we cracked the mystery of these scammers.. :clap:

A programmer from my floor will be reversing the program, I will let you all know how it goes, hopefully no worse than what we have already 😆

All the best