Forex and Futures Daily system- my actual account

Day 9, £314 Profit today

Of the 8 orders placed today, 4 opened.
The Sell on the TNote (10yr) realised a loss of £98. The Buy on the Russell 2k opened shortly before I closed the positions at 8.30pm, banking a profit of £12. The Dow Jones buy banked a profit of £493. The EUR/USD sell realised a loss of £93.

You can see the trades advised each morning in real time on my blog, where I put a screen shot of the systems opening trade orders as placed on my actual spread betting account(real money-not a demo) I update the blog each evening to show the net gain/loss from the days trades.
Day 10- Ten Orders today.

I have set the trade orders for Friday at half past midnight, as I am travelling all day Friday. I have received the trade instructions. They come through at 8pm -European indices and some commodities, and also at 12 midnight (forex and US markets) So I can place the orders late at night or any time in the morning.

There are 10 orders today, virtually all sells;

I put a screen shot of the systems opening trade orders, as placed on my actual spread betting account(real money- not a demo) I update the blog each evening to show the net gain/loss from the days trades.
Day 10 End - £521 Loss

I have updated my blog with Fridays trades.. and further insights into the systems methods, and how, even a profitable system can be broken...

Today I was the architect of my own misfortune.
I am travelling today, consequently placing the systems trades rather hastily last night.
The system generating the signals is best described as a weighted Forex correlation system. The core markets of the system being 6 forex pairs with a further 5 additional markets; Silver, 10 yr T Note, plus 3 stock indices; Dow, FTSE 100 and Russell 2k,- providing a spectrum of positively and negatively correlated markets.
The system rules are virtually automatic. However ,there is one rule I am required to police more...
Day 11. Five orders on 4 Markets today.

I am away from my usual location for the rest of this week (30oC and Palm trees here) but will be maintaining this trade blog, placing my trades after midnight in readiness for the following days activity, to save me the job in the morning. These are the systems orders today, as placed on my real spread betting account, read more...:
Day 11 End, £101 Profit Today

3 of the 4 systems orders triggered today:

The Russell 2k buy order triggered today, as did the Crude Oil order, both closed in profit. The T Note (10 Yr) buy order triggered and closed with a loss.

Here is a screen shot of my real spread betting account, showing the opening orders, along with tonights closing postions, updated on my blog of all the trades/results generated by the system since August 1st read more...
Day 12. Nine orders today

Nine orders advised by the system today on 7 different markets, DAX, FTSE, EURCHF, T Note, US Crude, USDCAD, USDCHF, US T Note (10 yr) two placed as OCO orders (One Cancels the Other if filled)

FTSE 100 and Dax placed as they oppose on opening levels. Here are the orders placed for tomorrow. USDCHF opened on placing the trade: read my blog with screen shots of actual trades as placed on my real spread betting account here...
Day 13- Six orders today

Day 13 following this system in real time during the month of August - and there are 6 opening orders placed on my spread betting account can see todays trades as placed in advance on my spread betting account here, follwed by a screen shot of the closing orders, and the effect on the balance of my account at the end of the day at:my blog here..
Day 13 End. £49.20 Profit Today

Of the 6 orders placed this morning, 5 were filled. 3 closed at a profit, 2 at a loss.
The Crude Oil Sell position was filled on the September contract. This contract expired today at 8pm; closing the postion at that time. The Russell 2k sell was filled shortly before the days close. See my blog with the actual orders and closing positions on my real spread betting account here..
Day 14. 6 Orders Today

There are orders on 6 markets for this Thursdays trading day:

Dax Sell, Dow Jones Sell, EURCHF sell , USDCHF buy, USDJPY buy; Russ 2k buy

You can see the orders, complete with the order entry levels, in advance, as entered on my real ( not a demo a/c) spread betting account here:
Day 14 End- £209.10p Profit today

The system advised 6 orders this morning; 4 were filled during the course of the trading by my spread bet provider, banking profits on the Dax sell trade, EURCHF Sell, and USDCHF buy. The USDJPY closed at a loss.You can see todays closing positions on my spread betting account (real account not a demo) along with the days orders in advance each day during August. See more...
Day 15. 5 Opening Orders Today

Friday, end of week three of this spread betting system blog and there are 5 orders to open today. Placing the trades at 1am Friday morning, two trades opened immediately; the buy on the wall street and sell on T Notes (10 yr) 3 sell orders remain waiting to open: EURCHF,EURGBP and USDCHF. You can see the order levels as placed on my actual spread betting account and then an update at the end of the day on my blog, see more ....
Day 15 End. £5 Profit Today

Two of the five orders placed today were opened in the early hours of this morning. After the big swings of the week, today has been relatively stable and quiet for the triggered markets. The Dow long position closed £21 down, the T Note position closed £26 up. I am leaving now to fly back to the UK; flight times mean I will be just about airborne at market close, and have therefore exited positions a bit earlier today.
You can see todays closing positions, along with all trades placed in advance on the blog.. read more....
Day 16. 3 Orders Today

Today the system has three orders to open. a buy on the FTSE, which was already 10 points past the opening level, consequently I opened the buy immediately.

A sell order on Crude and Silver. You can see todays trade opening levels as set on my real spread betting account, as well as my account close tonight on my blog here...
Day 16 End. £71.30 Loss today

Two of today's three orders filled today.
The FTSE 100 buy closed in profit, the Crude Oil sell position closed at a loss.
Having been in profit for most of the day (showing £120 profit around lunchtime) it closed in negative territory at the close of US trading.
You can see the systems opening orders each day in advance on my trading account, along with the days closing positions on my blog here
Day 17. Six opening orders today

Buy orders on the Dax 30 and US T Note. Sell orders on USDCHF, USDJPY, Silver and FTSE 100.
You can see the trade orders and tonights closing positions on my blog here...
Day 17 End. £33 Profit today

Today 3 of the 6 orders were filled. The Silver sell position closed £75 in profit. The Sell USDCHF position -£11, and the T Note (10 year) closed -£31

You can see the systems opening orders each morning, followed by the closing positions at the end of each day and the change to my real spread betting account on my blog here..