
Do you want forexmospherian to leave the site or to simply stop posting

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 23 65.7%

  • Total voters
This seems to be a surprisingly common theme. I say surprising as it's coming from those I consider to be the more sensible posters on this site.

This thread isn't anything about banning, running anyone out of town or anything like that. It was to establish if there were 20 people who would be prepared to say they'd prefer him not to be here. That's all. A challenge to his arrogance.

I appreciate the poll has been inappropriately modified subsequent to my posting it which has caused a great deal of confusion (and perhaps that was the intent) so perhaps this is why so many are missing the point.

sigma - the forum has hundreds of thousands of members.......i think 20 will appear eventually ..........but what does that prove ?

if you reverse the phycology - you are actually providing more energy and attention to Forexperian and providing him with more exposure than before ..............he cant lose ......

frankly I don't care if anyone views my threads anymore .......but if someone gave me a lot of grief like this (fairly or unfairly) it would make me dig in and stay ..........

you're not going to win this one S....sorry .......cant see how you can

I was deeply concerned that no-one had posted for all those long hours after neil's post yesterday........I feared something terrible had happened to the main relieved to see the troops back in action after a 14 hour R&R 🙂
sigma - the forum has hundreds of thousands of members.......i think 20 will appear eventually ..........but what does that prove ?

if you reverse the phycology - you are actually providing more energy and attention to Forexperian and providing him with more exposure than before ..............he cant lose ......

frankly I don't care if anyone views my threads anymore .......but if someone gave me a lot of grief like this (fairly or unfairly) it would make me dig in and stay ..........

you're not going to win this one S....sorry .......cant see how you can

Oh for goodness sake…

That you haven’t understood what this is all about doesn’t surprise me. I’m n ot going to explain it any more. Either read the previous posts or get someone to read and then explain them to you.

It’s not about me winning/losing or anyone else winning/losing.

My impression is that you and he are very similar – both passionate wannabes but don’t want to admit you can’t hack it and you’re still pretty much where you started whenever it was you started. All you guys can do it post – lots!

NVP – I’ll do you the honour that I’ve done expert fiestmoistfairycake and simply not respond to any more of your posts, so you go crazy and knock yourself out trying.
Indeed, looking at the time of today's first post at 0602, the handbags were out bang on the rising of the sun 😆
The rising of the sun where you are isn’t necessarily the rising of the sun where everybody else is.
Set yourself a deadline.
If you don't get your 20 people by the deadline,
a: admit that people either want him to stay, or
b: people are generally not interested enough to bother to want him to leave.

You have skewed this in your favour by;
a: not having a deadline, and
b: wasting your own precious time on this, and
c: not considering that his arrogance is matched by your own, by banging this tedious drum.

Maybe there should be a new poll
A: Should Forexmospherian stop posting
B: Should Sigma-D give this a rest?

First to 20?
OK. I tried being nice to you.

I don't think people are voting No because they want him to stay rather than they don't think there should be a vote of this nature. Neither do I. This poll never was about what it has now been made and I'm tired of saying this.

I didn't set the number and no deadline was ever given, so there is none.

My time isn't precious. I have nothing else to do. This is it for me, the pinnacle of my day, posting here. Me arrogant? If I was arrogant I would have written your post. Giving me bloody instructions this way and that like you're the fuggin pope.

And if you find my banging on tedious, p!ss off to another thread where your opinion may be of value.

Why don't you start the new poll rather than musing abstractedly like you're some bloody sooth-sayer? All advice and no bollox you are.
Oh for goodness sake…

NVP – I’ll do you the honour that I’ve done expert fiestmoistfairycake and simply not respond to any more of your posts, so you go crazy and knock yourself out trying.

fine with me S.........fine with me

I agree with shane, I like your writing style and in no doubt you're well educated, but i think you need to focus your attention away from fxmo, with all thats going on in the world at the moment, Live and let live, the guy is doing no harm to anyone.
Thanks for the compliments, but I’m barely literate, completely innumerate and borderline psychopathic – in other words, perfect trader material.

The thread was ever and still is, only intended for a bit of fun and also hopefully (waning) to call expert frostymittssmokinggun's bluff in the number of people he so arrogantly suggested would be impossible to find. The fact that I misjudged the degree of antipathy to the chap meant that of the 100 or so who would have voted Yes had they had sufficient motivation to surpass their hatred threshold of having anything at all to do with him and this would have all been over very quickly.

do you still deny ever being a member here before under a previous nic ? :whistling

I don’t remember ever being asked it, but you’d need to ask the mods, ffsear especially who I apparently am/are/have been. Here’s a list I’ve compiled since I joined and I take no responsibility for errors and omissions, or additions.

Pieter Steidelmayer
The Degrees
Connie Brown
Danger Field
Purple Brain
Thermal Ebb
It was just the odd comment you refered to in the past,

Quote : sigma-D

Off on a slight tangent I think bbmac's stuff is pretty good. Was the holy grail reference just a joke as I get the impression he was doing OK with his methods, but he never saw it himself as anything other than basic commonsense and good technical analysis.

Yet bbmac's
Last Activity: Jan 31, 2014 9:32am

And you joined April 2014.
I don’t remember ever being asked it, but you’d need to ask the mods, ffsear especially who I apparently am/are/have been. Here’s a list I’ve compiled since I joined and I take no responsibility for errors and omissions, or additions.

Originally Posted by mike.
I do recognise your writing style and humor sigma, just can't put a finger on your old nic, help me out here, p.m me it.

Sigma-D, Quote
I've been called on this before for being 'someone else', but I've never got to the bottom of it and discovered who it is I'm supposed to be.
It was just the odd comment you refered to in the past,

Quote : sigma-D

Off on a slight tangent I think bbmac's stuff is pretty good. Was the holy grail reference just a joke as I get the impression he was doing OK with his methods, but he never saw it himself as anything other than basic commonsense and good technical analysis.

Yet bbmac's
Last Activity: Jan 31, 2014 9:32am

And you joined April 2014.
bbmac's posts from #1 to the last one are all available for anyone to review. As are all the posts of everyone who has ever posted here. While I don't claim to have read every single post in the archives, I've done my best to home in on those that appear to know what they're talking about. Which is probably why I, more than most, am aware of the gulf between then and now. It’s a shadow of its former self.

Somebody attached bbmac’s presentation pack recently on a thread. Nothing of this quality has appeared since I joined. It’s well worth the effort to delve into the archives.
bbmac's posts from #1 to the last one are all available for anyone to review. As are all the posts of everyone who has ever posted here. While I don't claim to have read every single post in the archives, I've done my best to home in on those that appear to know what they're talking about. Which is probably why I, more than most, am aware of the gulf between then and now. It’s a shadow of its former self.

Somebody attached bbmac’s presentation pack recently on a thread. Nothing of this quality has appeared since I joined. It’s well worth the effort to delve into the archives.

Fair enough, leave it at that, not that im bothered if you have been here before, It was just the fact i ( thought i ) reconised your writing style. Agree, there are some quality threads back in the archives, i frequently spend time there.

There has been some quality members here over the years.
Children...please !

Zoo indeed -It is disappointing to see a once carefully moderated site taken over by childish and boorish behavior. Worse, such behavior is condoned, even encouraged,by Mods and others, whom I had once assumed were intelligent and tolerant adults. It's depressingly like watching feral children taunting another child with a stammer or other tic that sets him apart from the others in the schoolyard.
If "F" had tried to take money for his trades or verbally abused others then one would expect a clash. However, in the absence of such wrong doing,one is at a loss to explain the toleration or expression of aforesaid "boorish" behavior.
Meanwhile, T2W continues to slide into mediocrity. Maybe T2W's star is no longer in the ascendant.I rarely engage in debate here, not that I am an expert in anything, but incidents like this encourage my belief that T2W is no longer the forum where the great and good gather to debate with those less experienced than themselves.