forest gump wins the labour leadership election

I suppose all coalitions are different but I expect this one to implode before they have to go to a general election together. Therefore they will indeed be voted out, but that does not mean labour will be voted in......

The Conservatives and the LibDems will have to stand again as independent parties. How could a party go to the electorate and say, the government's done a great job (mainly because we were a part of it) but now we don't want you to vote for us on our own.

They will engineer a split if necessary so that they can conscientously campaign separately, pleasing their core supporters and seemingly offering an alternative to the incumbency (as jon says, the residing administration is more often voted out in the UK). But this means (barring international conflicts, other such geo-political wild cards and as long as Labour remain left of Tony Blair) we will get the same electoral decision, meaning a new coalition of the same parties, but importantly, not the same coalition. Plus ca change.....
i don't think someone with the surname balls shuold be allowed to run in these things
prime minister balls
the world would just laugh, it would be a matter of national security
The Millipedes are Jewish so you can probably guess which side of the Arab/Israeli conflict we would be on if he was to become PM

Polly Toynbee reckons 6 outa 10
editor of Spectator 3 outa 10
me 1 outa 10 and that's for turning up mainly

surely politicians should be held to account on their term in Govt ?

I reckon so imho

A windfall tax on Brown, Blair and those in Cabinet ( collective responsibility ) for a miserable performance for Britain PLC is a must. That would concentrate their "tiny" minds in future not to waste public money imho
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The Millipedes are Jewish so you can probably guess which side of the Arab/Israeli conflict we would be on if he was to become PM


Thats a good point every now and a gain theres a pro palistine (cant spell) anti israeli demo in newcastle its full off scruffy lefties. They have palistine flags and they try to get people to sign petitions about the blockade etc. I bet they never thought of the milliblands view on palistine
The Millipedes are Jewish so you can probably guess which side of the Arab/Israeli conflict we would be on if he was to become PM

The same side that we have always been on.

What's new ?
Q. What goes 999 clonk, 999 clonk, 999 clonk ?

A. A millipede with a wooden leg

I really love Millipede's shadow cabinet.

I have never seen such a bunch of unelectable crap in my whole life.

Cameron must be p1ssing himself with laughter.
I really love Millipede's shadow cabinet.

I have never seen such a bunch of unelectable crap in my whole life.

Cameron must be p1ssing himself with laughter.

jesus Ive just looked at the shadow cabinet and what the fook is millibland havibg a laugh, yup labour is un electable.
Yeah ..... Ed "Testicles" Balls as Home Secretary and his soppy b1tch as Foreign Secretary.

Add to that a Chancellor with no education and no experience of finance plus the rest of the team as green as frigging pea soup.

Recipe for total disaster.

Love it. 😆:clap: