forest gump wins the labour leadership election


Active member
Well ed milliband is labour leader, what u think will he manage to winning support from disaffected Lib Dems and cement traditional Labour support and win back power. Or hopefully make Labour un electable.


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Looks like a clear case of Cain and Abel

Young Ed couldn't wait for his elder brother to move aside

His leadership speech was the same old guff about NEW, CHANGE etc. Don't I remember Blair using these very same words and going back a bit fourther John Smith's banner across the hall said change.

Same old rhetoric and nothing much changes and what does is usually for the worse.

Coming to think of it Cameron's big words were also New and Change.

I think there is a speech writer's conspiracy. They can't think any new buzz words.

Oh well better give the boy a chance to prove himself I suppose but I reckon the odds are he is just another left wing clot

over taxing


over spending
As someone said on 5 Live the other day, they must have held a party at Conservative HQ when Ed M got in. Labour will remain unelectable under EM.
Beware a "nice" person who stands behind his brother.......with a long knife.
Don't know why you're insulting twats by associating them with that ignorant, useless, brain dead wind bag, though.
At least you're not insulting bug eyed aliens by associating them with Ed Centipede.
Please note I normally find appearance insults as reprehensible since individuals can't help the way they look.
But, hey, there's always an exception.
There's a time and a place for most things, including burqas, and Ed and Neil prove they are needed and shouldn't be banned.
I apologise wholeheartedly to all you twats out there because of the inferred association with Kinnock.
Looks like a clear case of Cain and Abel

Young Ed couldn't wait for his elder brother to move aside

His leadership speech was the same old guff about NEW, CHANGE etc. Don't I remember Blair using these very same words and going back a bit fourther John Smith's banner across the hall said change.

Same old rhetoric and nothing much changes and what does is usually for the worse.

Coming to think of it Cameron's big words were also New and Change.

I think there is a speech writer's conspiracy. They can't think any new buzz words.

Oh well better give the boy a chance to prove himself I suppose but I reckon the odds are he is just another left wing clot

over taxing


over spending


This post says it all. One of the best commentaries I've read. Glad to see you didn't fall for Cameron's garbage either.
Well ed milliband is labour leader, what u think will he manage to winning support from disaffected Lib Dems and cement traditional Labour support and win back power. Or hopefully make Labour un electable.

After previously commenting that his religious views were a private matter, in an interview with Radio 5 Live in reply to a question from Nicky Campbell he was quoted as saying, "I don't believe in God personally, but I have great respect for those people who do."

thank u for the wike link but whats ur point Ive only quickly (a bit tipsy) looked at the link and cant see much more than I all ready know.

The point I was tyring to make was that being an atheist makes Ed Milliband ( and therefore Labour ) un-electable.

David Cameron always kept his spiritual beliefs private until just before the last election when he then came out as a God head.

The point I was tyring to make was that being an atheist makes Ed Milliband ( and therefore Labour ) un-electable.

David Cameron always kept his spiritual beliefs private until just before the last election when he then came out as a God head.


ok mate thanks
Interesting point dd makes - maybe an openly atheist leader can never be PM in the UK. I have no knowledge of any PM's religuious beliefs before Tony Blair. But I bet none of them was openly atheist. Too many ties between state and CofE in UK for atheist PM to not appear hypocritical, and most of electorate claim to believe in God. As for a non-Christian PM, but one who believes in a single all-powerful deity, I could see that happening.
Not sure it makes much difference because I think elections are generally lost, not won. When people get sufficiently fed-up with the lot in power they will vote to get them out - s'why minority parties can't make a break through. Wonder if the experience of coalition government will change things.