For anyone who uses the speaking clock


Legendary member
If like me you use speaking clock for figures/market openings etc, you'll have noticed the current speaking clock voiced by tinker ****ing bell makes you want to go out and commit acts of violence against random BT employees.

So thought I would mention this alternative speaking clock service - featuring the voice of the speaking clock until a couple of years before I was born. This might be a trip down memory lane for posters older than me, which is most here... You can call it on 0871 789 3642.
I don't understand. Why use the speaking clock when you can synchronise your PC clock with Internet time (atomic clock) for free?
What advantage does speaking clock give?

"At the 3rd stroke it will be time to go Long"

If like me you use speaking clock for figures/market openings etc, you'll have noticed the current speaking clock voiced by tinker ****ing bell makes you want to go out and commit acts of violence against random BT employees.

So thought I would mention this alternative speaking clock service - featuring the voice of the speaking clock until a couple of years before I was born. This might be a trip down memory lane for posters older than me, which is most here... You can call it on 0871 789 3642.

Accurist - British Real Time

Just leave this website open in the background. The time will talk to you all day long for free approx every 10 seconds.
Pretty accurate radio-controlled watches are now available for not all that much £.
(Mine is always bang on with the BBC pips).
These have the advantage of telling you the time when you are away from your PC, assuming that you ever are...:cheesy: