Fix This Forum

I haven't been logged out yet today but I'm usually lucky if I get through a day without beng kicked off at least a couple of times :D I know, yes good riddance I hear :LOL:

I think simply declining the request does the trick Split, although I haven't had one for ages so can't remember :cry:

Just looked at your profile and "friends" looks like it has been deactivated now.

No, Don, it doesn't seem so easy :(

I've been on to Jon about it. He assures me that he has told the techies. I've complained a few times but I've still got that damned notification greeting me like a lost soul every time I come on. :mad:
Sent you one to cheer you up:p

What the heck does the friends thing do anyway....?

Why thank you Vrothdar, accepted :D

Also took a piccy of the occassion for ref of the reject a mate I'm a misery and don't want one tick box. (not ref to Split but someone else :LOL:)

As for the idea of it, best ask the creator, a facebook kinda thing would best describe it but it's interconected with other functions which I don't recal the name of, the contacts list I think being the main one which allows other things like restricting access to blogs for mates only etc. As I said, Sharky would be best to describe.


  • friend request.JPG
    friend request.JPG
    34.7 KB · Views: 160
Split, I've put a piccy up, just tick the avatar*, tick the reject box and click save changes.

If that doesn't clear it then its up to the techies to go in and clear the gremlins

*not sure you have to do that but give it a try if not ticking it fails
It's getting even worse for me now. Not only do I have to keep logging back in, but around 2 out of 3 times it will tell me that I've entered an invalid password even though I'm sure this is not the case.

I don't think it can be just Opera because I use 3 other forums and have had no problems there. Some combination of Opera and this particular site perhaps ?

Is anybody having problems with browsers other than Opera ? I don't want to abandon it if I can avoid it because I'm used to it now, and apart from this problem it's been fine.
Hi Vorbis
I get logged out regularly, although I have to say I haven't had issues for a couple of days now, I have to say my login password has always worked and never seen or heard of anyone's password not being recognised on trying to log back on.

I think most people here are using firefox these days, I tried it, didn't like it. I don't believe they're having many issues (apart from odd shark infested ad :))

Same with opera, loaded that a couple of days ago to give it a run, didn't like that either. IE7 does it for me, ok for speed, function and only having the log out issue here, It's what you get used to I guess.
Split, I've put a piccy up, just tick the avatar*, tick the reject box and click save changes.

If that doesn't clear it then its up to the techies to go in and clear the gremlins

*not sure you have to do that but give it a try if not ticking it fails

Thanks, Don, I followed your advice and have a "0" notification. The first time in several weeks.
Can we have an option button to decide whether we want friend requests or not please ?

I think an opt out button or selectable tag in the user cp may be beneficial for those members that do not wish to participate and not receive the friendship requests.

One little advantage that I can think of having a friends list Split is the open contacts popup which is accessible from the quick links drop down at the top there. It's a separate window that "pops up" and shows who is online and who isn't on the buds list*, It updates itself as they log on and log off, very useful for those that like to keep in contact with friends they have made here. With upwards of 170+ members online in the daytime, looking at the forum page to see if a mate is online can be time consuming for the busy trader :D

*obviously it doesn't work on the invisibles :(

I've found that if one makes the right kind of post he'll soon get a spirited response!

It goes to show that I do not know too much about all the advantages of the site but I find it odd that, of the few things that I did deviate into using, apart from posting on and reading the boards ---the share competition, calendar---, these I found interesting and useful but have now been discontinued.
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You're of course right Split that the old share comp was great fun , also the calender useful and not forgetting the ol' arcade, all gone now sadly. I have some screen shots somewhere of the good times :clap:

I was utterly gutted when the arcade disapeared, all those hours building high scores, The mostest no1 spots, all time pb at space invaders and advanced curveball, stripped of my medals, all to be taken away, all that effort for fa, the basts! :cry:

This forum is a pain in the d1ck...:mad::mad:


For more than a week the Home page has shown up, on my computer, at least, with the colours faded.

I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned this earlier because the words "Forum" etc, cannot be seen easily, tto be pressed, unless one knows where they are.

My computer could be to blame but I have no problems anywhere else on the net---or on the other T2W pages, for that matter.
Will ask the techs to have a look at these problems.

Thanks for the alerts.

For more than a week the Home page has shown up, on my computer, at least, with the colours faded.

I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned this earlier because the words "Forum" etc, cannot be seen easily, tto be pressed, unless one knows where they are.

My computer could be to blame but I have no problems anywhere else on the net---or on the other T2W pages, for that matter.

It was mentioned on this thread - easy fix (y)