Fins Ain't Wot They...

Anyone trading binaries on their new platform? Better or worse in terms of when you actually receive a quote?

Edit: Is there any way it could be worse???!!!
Your guys better than Finspreads? Hardly an accomplishment to be honest 😆

The layout looks like Binarybet. Are they a white label?
Yep! I apologise this is a white/black/yellow label whatever you wanna call it. But offers afew more markets than the thread title. Do not look at it unless you want to trade binary bets.
On a seperate note take a look at - a superb new and great tech trading system, not a white label but run by a good friend of mine. It traded me into 200 pips on Euro/dollar recently with a 20 pip stop, yet to be really proven but i've made back my one month fee of 1 month in 1 trade.
Honest traders trade happy!
Check out - i traded euro/USD recently and made a 200 pip turn with a 20 pip stop. I am not yet 100% convinced but from 10 years of trading it is a very strong system on currencies, FTSE/DAX and some other major markets. It seems to be good at disciplining my trading patterns, but i have only used it for the single trade. As it happens i made back the first months subscrition fee. I signed up to a 1 month trial period but i have been promised a decent discount when i take it on for a year. $300 paid for a month £250 made in the first trade! I have a live FTSE/DAX/e-mini S&P and FX charting package, this is what i have been waiting for. The signals that i am given have been good so far, but yet to be proven by me.
Fins new platform is down again! Client services have no idea when it will be up again. You would think they would test these things properly before putting them into use.

Yes I know, I should stop complaining and move my account to a more reliable provider!
If I was you, I's stop complaining and move my account to a more reliable provider! :cheesy:
purplekiwi said:
Fins new platform is down again! Client services have no idea when it will be up again. You would think they would test these things properly before putting them into use.

Yes I know, I should stop complaining and move my account to a more reliable provider!

Was down again this afternoon...
Has anyone got the new fins platform working through their company proxy server? I would have thought this is something they would have sorted out with their new platform... :-\
Given the media blanket bombing by Finspreads recently (I can't open a paper or magazine without their 'fighter pilot' glossy insert falling out), I thought I'd give them a go, particularly as they're promising £250 cashback for new accounts (with conditions, of course).

All I can say is that if you take your trading at all seriously don't bother.

Things started well (I was trading cable) - instant fills and no requotes. That lasted about three (winning) trades and then it started to slow down. Within a week it is now taking at least 30 seconds to get a quote, let alone try and fill it. This afternoon I tried to close a trade which took about three minutes to do and cost me a lot more than the £250 I might get as cashback. Whether this is intentional, to scare off winning traders, or is a problem with their platform, I don't know. But quite simply they are a complete joke. Avoid this amateur bookie at all costs.
Jack o'Clubs said:
Given the media blanket bombing by Finspreads recently (I can't open a paper or magazine without their 'fighter pilot' glossy insert falling out), I thought I'd give them a go, particularly as they're promising £250 cashback for new accounts (with conditions, of course).

All I can say is that if you take your trading at all seriously don't bother.

Things started well (I was trading cable) - instant fills and no requotes. That lasted about three (winning) trades and then it started to slow down. Within a week it is now taking at least 30 seconds to get a quote, let alone try and fill it. This afternoon I tried to close a trade which took about three minutes to do and cost me a lot more than the £250 I might get as cashback. Whether this is intentional, to scare off winning traders, or is a problem with their platform, I don't know. But quite simply they are a complete joke. Avoid this amateur bookie at all costs.

Not trying to make excuses for Fin, but to be fair, I suspect they've had their hands full with huge volumes this afternoon...probably been totally rushed off their feet. I know what it's like, being a former pit trader, when the markets display huge volatility, you barely have time to breathe with the amount of orders coming in.
Thanks for your comments Visaria, but that just doesn't wash. Assuming that the deterioration in service is not discriminatory and is just a function of a creaking platform, then my conclusion that they are a joke and should be avoided at all costs by any serious spreadbetting traders is equally valid. There's no shortage of competition out there - I signed up because I was attracted by the £250 cashback promotion and thought there was nothing to lose. I was wrong, and will simply revert to the two other spreadbet providers I have used up to now.

In terms of being rushed in a fast market - I was experiencing problems trading cable with them: enormously liquid market and not excessively volatile. I shudder to think how they would have handled the collapse in the FTSE yesterday at 4pm, when I had no problems getting in and out of trades with my usual provider.
For what its worth - in the last few days markety collapse I had a whole raft of equity and index long positions stopped out and some shorts which hit their targets. Fins closed all of them automatically, on the price I had set, and none of them were guaranteed stops. I keep a passing eye on the platform from the work PC just to make sure all goes to plan and have not noted any obvioous tecvhnical problems. If the recent shake-out was a test I would pass Fins.
I have noted that all the other SB companies have their faults, too. I trade with Fins and, so far, have had no serious problems with them. Not to say that I may not have!

To back tomorton, I do not use guaranteed stops and find that they trigger my stops on the button. I'm staying where I am.

Jack o'Clubs said:
Given the media blanket bombing by Finspreads recently (I can't open a paper or magazine without their 'fighter pilot' glossy insert falling out), I thought I'd give them a go, particularly as they're promising £250 cashback for new accounts (with conditions, of course).

All I can say is that if you take your trading at all seriously don't bother.

Things started well (I was trading cable) - instant fills and no requotes. That lasted about three (winning) trades and then it started to slow down. Within a week it is now taking at least 30 seconds to get a quote, let alone try and fill it. This afternoon I tried to close a trade which took about three minutes to do and cost me a lot more than the £250 I might get as cashback. Whether this is intentional, to scare off winning traders, or is a problem with their platform, I don't know. But quite simply they are a complete joke. Avoid this amateur bookie at all costs.

I thought I should point out that if you are no longer receiving quotes within a second or two but instead there's a delay of 20 secs or more, then you are being discriminated against in that you are no longer on their automatic quote system but on their manual quote system.

Instead of their system automatically sending you a quote, a dealer will check the price and then send it out when he/she feels like it's okay to do so. The discrimination is probably due to you making money with them. All a bit bizarre since they can 'knock you back' anyway i.e. refuse to fill you, which has happened to me countless times.
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