Finanicial Review in This Week by Pitguru


Active member
The 16 countries that use the Euro have come to the conclusion that aid is needed. They have agreed that a 1 trillion dollar rescue fund could help ease the debt issues. Greece's problems could spread to many of the countries. The U.S. Federal Reserve also wants to lend a hand in this loan. Shouldn't this country worry about itself? Or is the United States doing this just in case help is needed down the road? (1)

The S&P is up 47 points in premarket trading and is gaining steam because of the bailout. Apparently once you take out systemic risk the market feeds off of it. The Dow is up over 347 points and is also showing strength. Can the market hold this up the entire day? This is something that could be hard to do. McDonalds showed a 4.9% gain in sales for the month of April after a large slow down in March. The company saw large growth in Europe and the U.S. (3)

A report shows that 1 in 4 homes is underwater and the problem is growing. The number has risen from 21.4% to 23.3% for the first quarter. This was one of the things this trader mentioned in weekly reports that may not go away for years. This coupled with job losses could be toxic over years to come. (4)

The bailout has sunk the dollar on news of trillion dollar bailout to the Euro nations. The U.S. Dollar Index is down 0.898 to 83.552. The Dollar has had a great run and may still keep its head above water in the future.