Financing Al Qaeda

Airthrey Capital

Well-known member
I have no doubt that despite the numerous money-laundering regulations that are in existence, there is still considerable "dirty money" in the financial markets. Some of it, I am sure, used to finance the activities of Al Qaeda.

In fact, could it be that they are very shrewd market manipulators who profit from their various terror campaigns?

For example, months of planning must have gone into preparing the Twin Towers attack on 9/11. Al Qaeda had chosen their target ,(the centre of the world's most inportant financial district), very carefully. Using their finances to build up short positions on Dow futures prior to the attack would have enabled them to profit considerably and bolster their finances.

Likewise the attack in Saudi Arabia over the weekend. Is Al Qaeda a shrewd manipulator of markets?.....Taking long positions on oil futures, and then carrying out (or even just threatening to carry out) terorrist attacks which would have an adverse effect on oil supplies looks like a profitable plan.

Equally, isn't it interesting that they chose a weekend knowing that on the Monday both London and New York markets would be closed?....Were they hoping for a steep fall in equity markets (in reaction to the increased oil price), with the markets gapping sharply down on the open on Tuesday?

Just a thought.........
Blairlogie said:
For example, months of planning must have gone into preparing the Twin Towers attack on 9/11. Al Qaeda had chosen their target ,(the centre of the world's most inportant financial district), very carefully. Using their finances to build up short positions on Dow futures prior to the attack would have enabled them to profit considerably and bolster their finances.

Just a thought.........

Interesting thoughts Blairlogie. There have been persistent stories about unusually large positions being taken in various markets before 9/11. Haven't seen any proof but the story has come from a number of different places.

One would think that the US authorities, fbi etc are aware of the probability of osama and company profiting from their deeds.

It would be logical for them to have in place some type of mechanism that might alert them to such profiteering, whether they could prevent it is another matter.


With the current trend for the rather opaque set-ups of offshore hedge funds, whose to know that Osama is, in fact, the world's most successful fund manager!
If he is, it's a hell of a way to influence the markets and get a result.


I recall reading extended reportage about just that a couple of months ago - I think it was covered in several Sunday papers and the Spectator - also recall hearing John Humphrys on Radio 4 'Today' prog.

The gist was that the US security services are putting a lot of resource into systems designed to detect 'unusual patterns' in futures trading. That includes extended analyses relating to the pre 9/11 attacks etc. There's a school of thought that says whenever a large/complex attack is being planned - in the West at any rate, the extent of pre-attack services and contacts required mean that unusual positions are almost bound to be taken on various futures. Common sense I guess and the SS's would certainly be missing a trick if they didn't pay it some attention.

Check out the price and volume of American Airlines options before and after 9/11. That will answer your suspicion! AA planes were used in the attacks.

Interesting activity for a group whos fundamental belief is to destroy capitalism!

twalker posted some interesting stuff on the US govt attempts to set up a futures terror exchange in order to spot these types of events before they happen.
Sh!t, my covers blown (up) - sorry, bad joke. hehehehehe.