Final FSA resolution on WASP

Well Chris wherever you may be...I still like you...very funny,entertaining guy and I suspect good company...long as you don't insult my intelligence (and you know what that means) then I'd be glad to share a drink. regarding all of this nonsense I don't hold that against you at all. Whatever you've done is no worse than most other people do in myriad ways ,from;
the employee who spends hours a week outside smoking when they should be working
the husband who feels up his secretary and then tells his wife he loves her
the politician who ..ok we'll just leave that one
the mortgage broker who encourages you to buy then ...we'll leave that one has well
the b(w) anker who ..definitely leave that one
in fact if you have a name you'd be on this list somewhere only the lack of will to live keeps me from going on

nice list, but in my book ponzi scammers are only one notch below the rouge builders who con 80 year old ladies out their life savings.

TBH I wish Chris well for the future - the above is actually worse than he deserves, and I would recommend that his address, at least, is removed.

I certainly will be happy to pay for train tickets for him to visit London and see other pool members. I will pay for them from the profits I made from the pool 😆

If he has forgotten how to get in touch with me (my mobile has been the same for decades, my email is easy, my msn is fine) then, if he wants to, please get us in touch.

Best wishes to the chap. He was never a complete fraudster.

P.S. Are you absolutely certain that the above genuinely comes from him?

i have deleted your post which is purportedly a message from chris in case it should cause further unpleasantness all round.

it seems to me that chris knows full well who his investors were and he can invite them around for tea if he likes by contacting them directly.
