maybe I am being utilitarian in my perspectives for this thread.
I am personally interested in ESP, mysticism, parapsychology, and altered states of consciousness. but since I cant prove them, I dont put them forward as a belief system, merely something fascinating to explore.
religion is similar to that. great fun, enjoyable, but ultimately, cant be reliable enough to use.
my utilitarian approach, which may appear to be clinical, is: what difference does it make if God exists or not?
God exists, and intervenes all the time.
God exists, and intervenes occasionally, and cares about people, despite tsunamis, earthquakes, pandemics, etc.
God exists, but doesnt care about people.
God does not exist.
How would you feel if doctors prescribed medicines and didnt say how effective they were?
If you were diabetic and you take insulin, and you had no guarantee the jab would control your blood-sugar, would you continue taking it?
if you were ill, and the medicaition was prayer, would you accept it?
what if didnt work all the time?
how would you know where the problem was? (was it the wrong prayer? was it administered enough times? was the priest trained to deliver prayer properly?)
without any metrics, you would have to accept 50/50 or worse odds.
science: all new techniques start off with low success rates, eg, organ transplants, etc. lets say 50/50.
but at each failure, the doctors can ascertain where the procedure failed, and establish new techniques, better instruments, etc, and teach other surgeons. the success rates improve.
Belief in God may help, but cannot be relied upon for a specific outcome.
maybe thats where my problem is. I cannot, in all conscience, offer God as a solution (even if I believed in one), when medicine, engineering, technology give quantifiable anwsers. even if the answer is high risk or low probability of success, we have the capacity to make informed decisions.
when I am ill, I need data to make an informed decision about various therapies to choose.
I could pray, but I have absolutely NO IDEA whether it will work or not, or whether I am praying correctly, or if it should be 4 times a day before meals, etc
The more mystical idea that God really addresses abstracts such as love is fine, and doesnt bother me. the metaphysical nature of things is also fun to explore, but dont expect it to pay the mortgage.
what function does God serve?
what service does God provide that we cannot determine for ourselves?
if God exists, and he tripped over a star-cluster and broke his hip, and died, would we notice any difference here on Earth?
[Trader333s post a few pages back was excellent.]
EDIT: have finished reading a weeks worth of ideas, and lots of stuff to think about, and lots of good ideas posted.