If you look into this then you will find that it was not meant as a physical image.
I think you will find that Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet
We sinners make mistakes. I stand corrected.
If you look into this then you will find that it was not meant as a physical image.
I think you will find that Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet
If you look into this then you will find that it was not meant as a physical image.
I think you will find that Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet
For those who have not read the bible or to those who read bits of it, did the link give you a better understanding to Bible perspective about Revelation with the way the video was presented?.
I'm not taking a dig at Catholics but how can they knock Henry the VIII or C of E, for merely adhering to natures call - agreeably in less than acceptable form?
I think is perfectly normal and acceptable that Jesus Christ would have had a wife and no doubt children, because it is God's ordained plan for us.
I'm reading quite a bit of the bible at the moment, albeit in simplified form, as Mrs o'Clubs takes the kids to Sunday school and they are asking for their Children's Bible to be read in order from beginning to end as their bedtime story The Old Testament is an absolute hoot. The more I read it, the more I realise what a preposterous load of old nonsense this religion is (I've little doubt Jesus existed, although probably as one of the first socialist political figures who did a great job of turning a tired old minority death cult into something more marketable, until the Romans tried to cut him down to size and ended up making him a martyr), and the more confident I feel in my atheism!
“This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”
Perhaps you could provide a reference to one of Newton’s religious works .
“accepted the books of Daniel and Revelation as revelations from God”. What’s the source for this?
So I’m expected to sit through a BBC (not noted for their erudition) documentary for 1 hour. Just give me a book reference (“wrote more on religion than he did on natural science”). Or perhaps this was your source? Well, better than Walt Disney I suppose. Then again...
I don’t think beliefs are in our DNA (just teasing).
Looks like I will need to do some work.
Strange that such a simple request elicits what may be, superficially, a diversionary or stalling tactic. Perhaps your source(s) were second-hand. I do not intend to watch the BBC documentary. Why do you attach such weight to it? Is the BBC a source of wisdom?