Fidelity Active Trader Pro (ATP) - Major Issues

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I am frustrated Fidelity customer that still hopes to change Fidelity negative attitude toward active traders. In spite of their extensive ad campaign and marketing effort through hundreds of representatives, their services are poor and continue to deteriorate over the last few years.

Fidelity Active Trader Pro (ATP) platform was a decent trading tool seven years ago, considering current technology at that time and offerings from similar big traditional brokerages. However, in the last five years capabilities of that tool were scaled down eliminated or frozen, reliability and performance sunk, support was reduced to superficial, and to top it all, Fidelity stopped conducting even the most rudimentary functional test with new releases.

Since Fidelity heavily promotes Active Trader Pro (ATP) as its flagship tool, and Fidelity made numerous promises about future capabilities of the tool, it deserves scrutiny. While it is hard to take serious a tool that does not allow the user to put a resistance line above the high of a chart, nor support line below the low of a chart (on the issues list for several years), the tool has potential and resources to realize that potential. But as of now (September 2008, ATP version 8.1) the archaic charting capabilities will irritate even the most patient user.

Let me jump into specific illustrations of the issues. Using Fidelity Active Trader Pro, plot intra-day the NYSE Tick chart (symbol “.TIC.N”). Try adding a Simple Moving Average (or Exponential if you prefer) to the chart. It can not plot negative numbers!! That faulty Moving Average is on the Fidelity ‘to-do’ list for years!! Try to call and get status on that rudimentary capability that has a simple fix and has never worked properly. You will not be able to get any response!! As long as you are looking at that chart, you might wonder what a “.TIC.N” print, that occurs only once per 60 seconds, means. Fidelity does not know whether this is the Close value, the average value, or anything else.(Fidelity uses ComStock for data-feed – reputable vendor, so the issue is not with the data source). Fidelity claiming ignirance is not surprising if you experience Fidelity responses. I have just spent several calls and much time (hours) attempting to clarify a mysterious parameter (that only Fidelity has!) on their Keltner Channel indicator. No one in Fidelity is knowledgeable about this 20 year old indicator that is part of Fidelity Active Trader Pro for years.

The faulty Moving Average example is one of several hundred open issues that are unresolved. While users reported many issues over the years, there is no visible tracking capability while results are non-existence. Even simple straight-forward visible issues are ignored like selecting Help >> ‘ATP Charting Indicators’ will display a document that Fidelity promised to fix before version 6.1 is released (three years ago). Still every call about an indicator will end with forwarding me toward that faulty document.

Seeking telephone support is a prolonged frustrating process talking to nice people with lack of knowledge, ability, responsibility, or authority. That includes all telephone support options such as Fidelity Electronic Channel Support (800-544-7595), Fidelity Active Trader Pro experts (877-907-4421), Fidelity Active Trader Pro services (800-544-5115), Fidelity Trading Desk (877-907-4429), and so on. Try for instance to inquire why the German DAX (biggest Europe exchange) is suspended for several years after it was working properly, or ask for a date when the important daily dollar index chart (“.DXY”) will be fixed. Has the DAX gone the way of the Advance – Decline symbol (“.AD.N”) that was supposed to be restored years ago (Fidelity: “definitely in version 7.0” but never happened!). Getting Fidelity to respond is impossible. Fidelity Email support is even worse and seeking local representatives’ help (Los Angeles and Southern California area) is wasting time with personnel that lack expertise or desire or both.

Fidelity Active Trader Pro is not cheap. It requires the user to pay $1434 ($11.95 X 120) before getting access to the full capability of the tool. Thereafter, it is still cost significant more to use than competitors. That adds to the frustration of waiting on Fidelity to come through with promises such as extending their intra-day chart depth beyond ten days while free services provide twice as much. And there are other concerns like the speed performance of the tool depends on the random server assigned to your connection and other mysterious parameters (like user selection of sub-tools).

If this message resonates with other aggravated Fidelity customers, maybe Fidelity will hear from others, and perhaps this message will generate some heat that guide future effort in the area of supporting active traders. Fidelity urgently needs to address lack of technology and lack of talent which translates to lack of trading capabilities.

In the meanwhile I will continue to strive for change. Maybe shaming Fidelity is the right way. My short term goals are modest. For instance I am trying to convince Fidelity to allow users to use forbidden (why?) older Active Trader Pro versions that are more reliable and more stable (unsuccessful so far). For a longer range goals I continue to pursue a list of issues, reminding Fidelity some of their statements and their promises. For instance, while Fidelity refused to commit to commodities Futures it did stated, in 2004, that the Futures of the four major indices will be available within three to six months. How many active traders do NOT use Futures? Very few, even by Fidelity account.

Here is a list of issues I was trying to put on Fidelity Active Trader Pro list over the years:
--On-line status
--On-line fixes/issues/plans list
--Fault tolerance, error handling
--Data - depth, resolution, filtering bad ticks, period controls
--Data sources controls - Globex, exchanges, ECNs
--Data feed stream controls (performance related)
--Chart controls - area scaling, panning, intervals
--Chart drawing - colors, lines, over indicators
--Chart indicators – correctness, appearance, parameters, customized
--Watch lists - local controls, equations, alerts
--Market internals - availability, historical
--Scanning (filters) upgrade - custom parameters, more options
--Generic technology – hotkeys, custom folder paths, fonts, etc.
--Futures charts
--Futures trading
--Options based equity aid – implied/historical volatility charts, volume charts
--Options trading - reasonable utilities a la Thing or Swim or OptionsXpress
--Tick charts
--Volume charts
--API (user programs/indicators) for charting
--API (user programs/indicators) for watch-lists
--International indices - fix, extend, hours
--Depth Of Market execution portal (similar to other tool vendors)
--Methodology support - market profile
--Custom indicators support - custom equations based
--Custom links - alerts links to line crossing, equations, selected parameters (volume + pivot cross)
--Incorporation of other software - Excel
--Support by actual experienced users/traders
why would you bother with all this? just go elsewhere, life's too short - keep focussed on your trading not the periphery - sorry if that sounds a bit harsh
ednir, I agree that Fidelity Active Trader Pro support could be better. Fidelity's staff are, as you say, helpful, but not enough priority is given to fixing problems in their software. Why doesn't Fidelity become a responsible software vendor and maintain an official forum to post bugs and announce changes? AFAIK, there's no way to tell what bugs have been reported, are outstanding, or have been fixed in releases.

An examples of a simple but annoying bug: In ATP 8.2.113, all manually drawn trendlines on a chart change into useless horizontal lines if the connection to Fidelity is lost or the stock selector in the upper left corner is temporarily changed to look at a different stock. This problem has been around for several months, yet it persists even though at least two updates to ATP have been issued during that time.

I had a follow-up thought:

I think Active Trader Pro support is lacking because the product is deliberately positioned to be less featured than other products.

For example, Fidelity evidently has a close relationship with the owners of Wealth-Lab Pro. So, I don't expect we'll ever see rule-based trading in Active Trader Pro.

Similarly, Fidelity may have business arrangements directly or indirectly with one of the direct trading firms, and may have a gentlemen's agreement not to make Active Trader Pro competitive with their software.

But the answer is likely simpler than that: Fidelity probably has decided that the really active traders, the ones most demanding of features, wouldn't stay with Fidelity even if Active Trader Pro was improved, but would move to services such as TradeStation.

A top-of-the-line provider like TradeStation Securities and their TradeStation platform is in a different class from Fidelity, being geared toward very active traders. I haven't used TradeStation, but it probably has all the features you'd want. But that comes at a cost. TradeStation gives your their platform free for $1M in assets or 5,000 equity trades per month; at less than that, it's $100/month. Fidelity gives you Active Trader Pro free starting at just 36 trades per year, and adds features to it with increased volume, giving you full access at 120 trades per year. (See their Active Trader Pro setup guide PDF for details.)

So it's easy to see which company has more customer revenue to spend on software support.

Nevertheless, until my trading activity grows to fit a product like TradeStation, it would be nice to have the more egregious bugs in Active Trader Pro fixed.
Fidelity Update?

I use FIdelity and have a few observations, that might reflect current status of the ATP tool. I haven't experienced the line drawing problems cited above, don't get charged a fee since I am a full-time frequent trader. Further, since I generate lots of commissions, I get kicked up whenever I call in and get pretty good service.

With that said, I am aware of that there might be other brokerages that provide some better tools, and some of my trading buddies scurry from one to the next trying to find the trading edge. I'm on the fuddy duddy system, but guess who makes the biggest returns, week in and week out? I just haven't found an impetus to change yet.
53vn, thanks for that information. I'll try updating my video driver to see if that helps with the line drawing problem.

Like you, I'm an active trader. Maybe that does help me get pretty good service from the active trader group at Fidelity. I'm still on a learning curve as a trader, though, so it's premature for me to be trying more advanced platforms. And I'll keep asking for more features. (Wouldn't you like to be able to specify a Trailing Stop Loss or Trailing Stop Limit when defining a custom button in Directed Trading? Or a Conditional OCO pair?)
You raise good points on the features, like being able to add a trailing stop when entering the initial OCO directives. Nice to have the discussion at the level of detail you are looking at.

On a personal note, as a scalper, I like to manage the stop losses on my side because with any size, the market makers tend to pick off tight, trailing stops. Sad but true when you are trying to stay within 10 cents of the bid. Fidelity, like all other retail brokers, sends the order over to the market immediately, so your stop is highly visible. Just something to live with as a scalper.

Good luck with your driver update...
Thanks. I was able to update the video driver successfully, but it didn't fix the ATP trendline bug. I've reverted to the old video driver.

Would you try this test case for me?

1. In ATP, open a new chart window. Make it a 2-day line chart with 1-minute frequency, of symbol POT.

2. Choose the Trendline tool, and draw a 45-degree line from top left to lower right across the center third of the chart. When you release the mouse button, you should see the line displayed all the way across the chart from upper left to lower right, thick in the area where you drew it, and thin where it's extrapolated beyond the endpoints.

3. Change the chart time from 2 days to 5 days. The chart should blank and then redraw at the new time scale. The cursor should change back to the zoom-in tool.

4. On my system, the bug then appears: the trendline changes into a black horizontal line, thick across the screen, and placed at the value of the lower right point I drew earlier. And the system now seems to think it's a sort of support or resistance line; if I hover the cursor over the line, the cursor changes from a zoom-in tool to a hand, and the line's value appears just above the center of the line. If you left-click and drag while hovering, the black line changes its color to red, and moves up and down like a support line. Release the mouse, and the line changes back to black. (I have a custom chart color scheme, with "Trend Lines" set to black.)

Try that and tell me what you see. Again, I'm using ATP 8.2.113. (I tried the new 9.0 version, but the Quick Balances Toolbar only displayed blanks instead of labels and numbers. The trendline bug wasn't fixed in 9.0 either.)

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Hello Everyone,
I have been using active trader pro for almost 2 years.Most of the time i find EPS on quote window not matching with EPS on chart or EPS reported on web site.for exapmple ttm earning for BP is $6.3576 in quote window but EPS for last four quarter on chart shows as 0.32,0.22,0.28,0.23.IF u add them it comes to around $1.05.There are so many like that.Also lot of time earning is not even shown on chart even after earning released.I fill like calling one of the media people since FID is not interested in solving this problem of giving us right information about EPS.Also check out EPS on stock called VOD showing as $12.3566 that makes p/e ratio of 1.53.
ATP screwed me again this morning, I wanted to go long at yesterdays lows, and it locked up totally, I restarted my computer 3 times, and it immediately locked til the last restart, by that time the mkt had moved too much for me to chase it. This happens all the time, and I am miserable. It's hard enough trying to trade, but next to impossible with ATP. I have complained to fidelity about this and all issues, especially only getting 10 days intra day max. I used trade station some years ago and it was marvelous, dont know if it still is, I am with fidelity, only because of their size and the fact that they are private and NOT public. In total economic melt down I figure my chances of keeping what I have is best there, but trading with them sucks big, big , BIG TIME.