Really I didn't find any post to Rob and the posts only for ForexGen, I felt that he is born specially to post on ForexGen only, I don't know how he is partner to Felix and he is posting only in this thread.
Allow me to simplify your life. Here are links to the posts written by Rob Grespi. I agree with him about the scammers at ForexGen. He wrote a SINGLE post about them here:
FOREXGEN.COM SCAM Alert! Broker stole over $160K from our trader! - Forex Peace Army Forum - 2nd post
He also wrote 2 longer term market forecasts (I NEVER write market forecasts) that Felix posted. Those are here:
Outlook 2008, The Upcoming US Depression - Forex Peace Army Forum
My July of 2008 Monthly Investment Pick - Forex Peace Army Forum
My logic is astounding because as I said Rob is partner with Felix and the only case that he contributed in was ForexGen as he was the victim and then he disappeared till now but he left for us and the other traders Pharaoh and other fake usernames to play with words and play with mails.
Your logic is astounding because Rob spends his time running his own forex services and doesn't hang out in the FPA forums. On the other hand, the FPA forums is my main forex hangout, and I write lots of articles there in my own inimitable style. You can read some of my best stuff in this folder:
Forex Basics Boot Camp - Forex Peace Army Forum
BTW - Other than this thread attacking anything and anyone associated with the FPA, can you point to any serious contributions you have made to helping your fellow traders? Most of the Alessandrones show up for awhile, attack, then slink under a rock until they get a new identity. So far, not one has had an answer to this question.
Please show me some forex forum (not a blog where dates can be changed) where you've made at least 25 posts on any subject other than attacking the FPA. All of these should be dated before today - Feb. 10, 2009.
I'll be happy to post links to plenty of my postings at the FPA and elsewhere proving that I talk about subjects other than ForexGen if you provide me with your links.
I think you are not able to hunt ForexGen because they are still working till now and I have contacted them and there is no any effect from what you are trying to do here or there.
why I didn't see any bad news about ForexGen in other sites and all of bad news are published in FPA, you may make Case 4 for ForexGen 😀 Send an email to the users and till them that ForexGen making propaganda for you and give them this URL 😀
You need to do some more research. There have been complaints against ForexGen in many forums. Also, I am proud to have warned some people away from their criminal enterprise.
Then again, I've written articles about how to avoid other frauds. Unfortunately, people often only find these after they've been scammed. I'm glad to have saved some, but can hardly feel responsible for those who don't do research before placing money with a scam company. CRE Capital complained to the FPA about me warning that they looked like a Ponzi scheme and tried to have my posting about them pulled. Plenty of people went ahead and threw their money into that scam, but I was quite pleased to learn that I saved those who did read and listen to my warnings.
I think this one (Alessandro) was working for them but this is not our point that we are talking about and again you are trying to change the same topic, but you are trying to make a case 4 for them but I believe ForexGen and The others will not be affected by your Fake cases that made for each broker to raise the traffic for other brokers and I have mentioned some reasons for your job in the last 4 replies and you can read them again. I'm not like you and I will not get URLs for websites or anything else because you may say that I own these sites or I'm working there.
And Again I want to say that FPA is the only place that I found stories about Forexgen and other brokers.
Check around. Do I really have to point out every thread on every forum to you. Here's a hint for you - Forex-TSD
The Reviews that are FPA is publishing is very good but 90% of them are fake reviews and not real review why?
For Example I got a problem with OANDA
First: I will try to contact them to solve this problem with the customer service
If yes It will be Ok
If No I will search for another way like complaining them,
So, the reviews will have only bad reviews because there is no satisfied trader will search for reviews to add good reviews for his broker or the service that he is using.
I'm one of the traders and I never published any reviews bad or good because the broker is not waiting that from me and I will never got extra pips if I added good reviews.
You say the reviews are good, yet 90% fake? That makes no sense. So you think that there's a team of fake review writers? If so, why are they good?
As for the wildly varying reviews, a certain percentage of review writers fall into 1 of 2 categories. Either they are VERY happy that they made some money and leave 5 stars, or they lost some money and leave 1 star. That's why almost all brokers have both 1 and 5 star reviews. If you bother to read my article about how to select a forex broker, you'll find that I cover this issue.
The FPA started investigating scams about a year ago so that people who got slipped for 2 pips couldn't rate a company as scam. All scams are investigated and the company has a chance to reply to the charges.
I note that ForexGen's only reply has been to attack everyone who ever complained about them at the FPA. The only ForexGen rep to ever post in the FPA forums was Alessandro, and he had no answer to the theft that ForexGen committed against traders.
No matter what the people are saying in the reviews because there is no any evidence and there will not be any evidences that this reviews are real reviews.
Anyone can make a website and say anything. If I write a bunch of contents saying "MBTrading is SCAM", will the people believe?
You could say that MB is a scam, but the lowest rating you can leave is 1 star. If you accuse a company of scam, you will have to file a scam ticket and the FPA will try to help you and the company reach a solution.
I'm not the one who created this thread and I have no idea about this investigation but I think that Felix and the rest of his mafia deserve more than gov. investigation to stop black mails that's daily in my inbox and others as me.
Also I'm one of the ppl that believe that FPA is a SCAM and I also I believe that they are sending black mails to both traders and brokers and others.
Other than on those fake ForexGen blogs, what evidence do you have of the FPA blackmailing anyone? I see that once again, you have ZERO evidence of the FPA having anything other than good relationships with government agencies (excluding Felix's GF - who isn't an active FPA member as far as I can tell). The FPA regularly points people to the correct agencies to file complaints.
I believe that MBTrading is A SCAM and the other sites that related to you like forexdiamond and others.
I have an MBT account, but it's not funded, so I don't trade with them. I am not aware of any legitimate scam complaints against them. If you have direct knowledge of any real problems with MBT (other than the lie about Felix owning them), please post links to legitimate sources. You can also complain to the NFA if you feel that MBT has wronged you or anyone else. Of course, I'm willing to wager that your only source of hatred of MBT is based solely on Felix liking them.
BTW - My article on how to select a forex broker will point people to a wide variety of different brokers based on their individual needs - hardly something that Felix (or Rob) would write. Here's a link:
How to select a forex broker - Forex Peace Army Forum
As for Forex Diamonds, I am a member. I've found it to be a good trading room. There are drawdowns, but overall, I find it to be profitable. In the FPA forums, I've also warned brand new traders against joining ANY trade room or buying ANY product until they've seen all the free stuff on the web. If someone doesn't like Diamonds, they don't have to join. Exactly how is this a scam?
I don't care about the fake reviews that you are creating daily in FPA because I can publish tomorrow a website and write opposite reviews than what you have in FPA but I will not waste a minute in that as you don't deserve.
You can write over 14,000 fake reviews in thousands of different writing styles tomorrow? I'm impressed with your skill at deception.
And from where did you get with these news? is here the 1st place to be published
Pay per Pip new terrible Movie produced by Felix and presented by Rob under Pharaoh's name.
What movie production are you hallucinating about now? I've heard that Rob (or someone who looks like him) has had some small parts in a few Hollywood productions. I've never met or spoken to Rob, so I don't know if that was him or someone who looks like him.
The reason you don't know about WPIPS and other things is because your total knowledge of the situation was based solely on fiction created on those fake ForexGen blogs.
WPIPS was pay per pip and was clearly detailed on the website. Base price was to be $10 per pip, but there was a special offer of $5 per pip. When it shut down and moved over to FxNewWiz, that model was dropped. There was quite a bit of talk about it in the Diamonds room, since some people were members of both services (not me - I never was a member of KFS, WPIPS, or FxNewsWiz), and they gave some more details.
Of course, the FPA reviews for WPIPS mention at least some of those details. If you would quite making stuff up and read the same reviews you condemn, you would see that they are far from perfect. Oh, and FxNewsWiz has some negative reviews too. So much for all those reviews being fake.
Maybe you should learn to read and research before issuing such broad statements.
So, MBT the broker is the owner of EFX the Introducing Broker
What a wonderful world!!!!
Yes. MBT bought EFX. If this confuses you, why don't you pick up a telephone and call MBT. I'm sure they can explain it to anyone who has at least a 3rd grade education. While you have them on the phone, ask to speak to their owner, Felix. When they get done laughing at you, tell us all what they say.
I sent a personal message to the one who created this thread to join with his reply about what he published here but I have to tell you why I joined this thread
1st of all as I said I believe that you and your company are big scam and you deserve more than governmental investigation and when I received an email with these news I was surprised a lot but when I searched on the web and I found the same thing and I tried to visit the website I found it closed.
Go ahead. Call some government agencies and ask them about the alleged investigation of the FPA. Call the NFA and ask them if Felix owns MBT.
I began to believe that there is gov. investigation and also I received and email from Felix saying that he can't deny that someone attacked him and he made as you exactly, and said that ForexGen is attacking him but I don't think that there is a brokerage Firm is free for doing these kind of operations even if.
So I understand that he lost his website, business, brand, well and many members, Now the people are cutting the costs what about the brokerage firms?
There was an email about a DDoS attack taking the FPA website down for awhile in August and September. It's been up solidly since then. What business and brand are you blathering about?
So I understand that FPA needs some ads the coming days because I see many free ads spaces there 😢
Really? Other than an occasional blank button at the bottom, I see full ads for banners at the FPA site. A number of large forex companies advertise there.
Do you think Felix secretly owns all those companies? :clap:
Also you tried to add here many links to refer ppl to the site.
so there is many evidences in this thread proving that you and your company are just 1 scamvertiser
I didn't start the thread.
I didn't make up lies about Rob Grespi only posting about ForexGen. (you did)
I didn't make up lies about Rob Grespi being me. (you did)
I'm not trying to sell anything. (although I do like it when people read my articles - perhaps I'm guilty of being a little vain about my writings - so sue me)
If that's your logic, you and the guy who started this thread are the scamvertisers, since you are only pointing people to the reviews (and my articles!) at the website. Of course, since my articles aren't trying to sell anything, it would be a little hard to say that I'm advertising anything.
Once again, I invite sane people to do their own research. If you see a blog post claiming that some agency has allegedly arrested Felix or is investigating the FPA, call the agency and ask. If you see some insane claim that I'm really Rob Grespi, why don't you look up what he's doing now for yourselves. Read his writing and see that neither one of us would have any luck trying to impersonate the other.