Feedback on trading results


Junior member

I have been using an unusal trading method and would like to share my results so far to understand what are people's expectations for a trading system / method. Am I going in the right direction.

My results for the last three weeks are.

Week 1. 5 trades - 4 win, 1 lost. up 67 tics (SP500 daily Index)
Week 2. 5 trades - 5 win, 0 lost. up 111 tics (SP500 daily Index)
Week 3. 6 trades - 6 win, 0 lost. up 83 tics (SP500 & INDU index)
SP500 0.1 point per tic - INDU 1 point /tic

Total 15 trades, 14 win, 1 lost. up 261 tics


Peter (newbie)
Your win rate seems fine, though I assume it's simulated. But you also need to determine your profit:loss ratio, i.e., the ratio of your profits to your losses. A high win rate doesn't necessarily mean success if your losses far outweigh your profits.

To calculate it, just add up your profits and put them on one side, then add up your losses and put them on the other. Reduce both by a common denominator if you like. Thus profits of $250 and losses of $50 would be a p:l of 5:1.
Thanks dbphoenix.

I'm currently trading a spread betting account.

My loss over the three week period was 10 tics. Therefore my profit / lost was 261:10 or 26.1:1
Well, with a win rate of 93% and a P:L of 26:1, you're not doing too shabbily 🙂