Hi, I'm new to forex and 'am a bit confused as to how to PIPs translates into returns on your money.
Could anyone tell me what kind of returns the performance shown at fxmaster.net would yield?
can someone give me a simple example how one would trade the signal? I mean, how much of your trading capital would you commit on the signal? it's ok to be very simplistic and vague, I'm not going to jump in and start trading... just am trying to understand the process better.
I assume the PIP performance listed is before taking into account the cost of trading, right? After factoring those in, how many of those months would still be winning months?
on their site it says that a good trader can make 5% to 25% average monthly returns (I think it was talking about forex in general). I have 4 questions about this:
1) Is it true?
2) Is that 5 to 25% net of trading costs, or before applying trading costs?
3) Do their SMS results fit within this 5% to 25% band? or are they better or worse?
4) I assume this is using a reasonable, but not excessive amount of leverage, right?
I realize these are quite a lot of questions, but I'm really trying to understand the process better. Any insight is appreciated. thanks.