Favourite movie scenes.

A clip from the movie Breaker Morant. This clip summarizes the injustice, hypocrisy and incomprehension of the Second Boer War. Highly recommended if you like movies based on true events without big budget Hollywood effects. This is an Australian production starring Edward Woodward. It is a courtroom style drama with flashbacks to events.

Breaker Morant - YouTube
The Ipcress File (1965) - Re: Favourite movie scenes.

I don't think I can find my favourite clips as such, from The Ipcress File, but this trailer has a lot of them, minus the dialogue, although with the great John Barry score:

IPCRESS FILE "Goodbye Harry" - YouTube

Such a great film. Get hold of the DVD if you can.
This is the classic "Cuckoo clock" speech from "The Third Man" with Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton.

Orson Welles Cuckoo Clock Speech in The Third Man HD - YouTube

The story really isn't about much. It's much more a question of atmosphere, and capturing a moment in time in early post-war and occupied Vienna.

Sorry it's a minute longer than the suggested time limit.

I wish I had an overcoat like "Harry Lime"'s, and I wish I was tall enough to carry it off. By the way, I think I know where Kelsey Grammer got his model for "Frasier Crane" now. Just listen to Orson Welles opening speech (and watch what happens to his right hand).