Fat Prophets

FAO: Steve Anderton - it appears you are very quick to remove any reference to your own dubious practices - as highlighted by the hare's last post!

To be entirely fair, it might not have been Steve who edited the post, and he may not even be aware that its happened. It may not even be official t2w policy.

I was asked (warned) by a member of staff not to post about t2w in a negative light, but I wrote nothing that hasn't been said by others previously, and similar comments still remain on various threads.

As a long time critic of t2w I would say that at times they are very quick to remove such references, however, at other times, no action is taken whatsoever. I don't think your conclusion is entirely valid.

I think all you are seeing is over zealous moderation rather than the effects of a deliberate policy. There's no complaints from me, at times I get away with murder, and Im happy to take the rough with the smooth.
FAO: Steve Anderton - it appears you are very quick to remove any reference to your own dubious practices - as highlighted by the hare's last post!

Do you remember the analogy about people in glass houses? Have you learnt nothing from the past few days? As a result of your threats 3 of your staff have been exposed as having worked for enterprises that were at best very dodgy. I'm sure they'll thank you for putting their names all over google.
Fat P said they definitely don't cold call, he sounded very sure of that. Although he was also very sure about a lot of other things. I suppose the secret shoppers will have to sign up and see what happens.

He's probably correct and its probably better for t2w if you're careful how you word things on here. Cold calling is bad etc.. if you allege that they do that without actually being able to back it up then its probably not a good idea.

I'm not sure about how they do it specifically but just taking a wild stab in the dark here - if you were to run a similar brokerage you would likely allow people to sign up for some free market report or will send out targeted mailshots... as a condition of receiving the free report they might also have agreed to some terms and conditions that allow you to call them. This is not a 'cold call'.
You might also have terms and conditions that allow people who've signed up for some rather cheap execution only type account to be called about your advisory service - this also is not a 'cold call'.
According to our old friend pboyles, to have simply worked briefly for an entity taints someone - and all their subsequent employers - for evermore. (G-d help those who work - or have worked - for the likes of Enron, Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) Barclays, RBS, etc ,etc....)

Its rather different when the entire business model of the firm in the cases of PacCon, Square Mile, Blue Index revolved around ripping people off... Its not some bad apples in a huge company who had a big impact etc... but rather entire firms who were set up simply to fleece people. PacCon and Square Mile were basically penny share spank shops mostly flogging AIM cash shells - if you were to check the motley fool forums there are countless stories of innocent investors getting cold called by these chavs in suits.
Blue Index was quite clearly set up to simply churn accounts... the transaction costs alone make it nearly impossible for the clients to do well in the long term - again same dodgy sales types running the place....

It is disappointing he has stooped to naming innocent and decent people - all of whom have unblemished reputations - on this website. This is compounded by Steve Anderton's apparent tacit support, allowing these nasty and unfounded claims to be made with impunity.

Pointing out the fact that some people worked for scummy firms when the information is freely available on the FSA's website isn't nasty or unfounded at all. People can draw their own inferences as to the type of people who'd chose to work at firms that were actively destroying the investments of ordinary people.
This forum exists for people to share information about trading, about software vendors about brokers etc.. to criticise someone for sharing some information that could be viewed negatively kind of misses the point.

I actually found it quite interesting to have a look at your firm on the FSA register.

Currently you seem to have a grand total of nine people on there - is one of them you by any chance?

Of those nine people four of them seem to have just joined your firm within the last three years and have no prior experience in a regulated role. Presumably these are just junior guys....

The other five, presumably the more senior ones(?), contain the interesting histories.

You've got two directors who've not been in a regulated role at another firm:
FSA Register
FSA Register
I'd say given the below three's previous employers this is likely a good thing.

As has already been pointed out - you've got the spectacularly unlucky Sarbjit Satpal Chahal who's managed to get Paccon, Square Mile, First Trade, Bridge Hall and Astor on his record.... apparently he's a vice president at your firm?


You've got Gregory 'Rupert' Nathan who previously worked for HB Markets aka Hoodless Brennan

Ironically he has the following controlled function amongst others:

CF10 Compliance Oversight

FSA Register

And you've got Tomas Christopher Nugent

With Wills & Co and Blue Index on his record:

FSA Register

So just to recap... grand total of nine approved persons - four of them are relatively new guys and three of the others have worked for, and this is an understatement, rather 'questionable' firms.....

Looking at the inactive guys doesn't paint a great picture either... more than nine of these and flicking through the names it seems to have been quite common for people to have been on the FSA register for your firm and then to pop up again.... ........no where.
Surely with the amazing returns you guys have published on your website plenty of firms in the city would be actively trying to recruit anyone who'd worked at your place.... for some odd reason it doesn't appear to be the case.

I repeat my earlier invitation to ANYONE who has any concerns to contact me directly.

Why would anyone feel the need to do that... a forum is a perfectly legitimate and open means of communication. Personally after just doing some very basic checking up on your firm I wouldn't have any reason to call you at all.

Your website itself is very disconcerting... you're claiming returns which haven't been audited and where you throw in the caveat that transaction costs haven't been taken into account when calculating them..... wonder why that is.... :whistling
He's probably correct and its probably better for t2w if you're careful how you word things on here. Cold calling is bad etc.. if you allege that they do that without actually being able to back it up then its probably not a good idea.

I'm not sure about how they do it specifically but just taking a wild stab in the dark here - if you were to run a similar brokerage you would likely allow people to sign up for some free market report or will send out targeted mailshots... as a condition of receiving the free report they might also have agreed to some terms and conditions that allow you to call them. This is not a 'cold call'.
You might also have terms and conditions that allow people who've signed up for some rather cheap execution only type account to be called about your advisory service - this also is not a 'cold call'.

That's why it's worded as a question and not a statement of fact.
I don’t know about cold calls. But, I do know they sold my information.

After I signed up I suddenly had people on the phone trying to sell me investment products. I’d never received any of these phone calls before and they were asking for me by name. It started about 7 days after signing up. Fat P was the obvious culprit.

It might not be illegal to sell customer details but it does show a lack of respect.
In all fairness, after reading about Fat’s employees, I have to allow the thought that maybe Fat P management aren't aware that someone on their team is selling customer lists.

Perhaps we can get Fat P to throw some light on the company policy on this. When I click on the 'Privacy' link on the website I get - 404 - File or directory not found.

And, if Fat P would like to follow up on this I still have the name of the Fat Prophets rep I dealt with.
Fat Prophets did PM me. I hope he wont mind me posting it here. I've edited any private bits:

We do not sell personal details. This is in clear breach of UK data protection laws. The same applies in Australia (in case you are there) as far as I am aware.
Whom did you speak with?
I trust the above clarifies, and should you have evidence to the contrary, then do please let me know.

My Repy:

The reps name was P --------- -------.
I think he was the only FP rep I spoke to. I'm pretty sure he completed the whole transaction.

I did not contact any other advisory service nor open a new trading account etc at the time.
The info had to have come from my transaction with Fat Prophets.

I can't, with a healthy conscience, accuse Fat Prophets of directly selling my details but I do believe it was given out by one of your employees.
RE: selling client details

I've just noticed I'm not the only one who experienced this.

I didn't think that would be the case.
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I see there have been a few deletions from this thread.

the fat prophet lawyers must have been busy. i'd estimate 16+ posts, as current posts have shifted a couple pages backwards, the odd quote only evidence left of the cull. and google of course, can still read the untouched pre cave in thread there 😆
Luckily they left the names so I don't need to look them all up again, that was a pain to work through.

"As has already been pointed out - you've got the spectacularly unlucky Sarbjit Satpal Chahal who's managed to get Paccon, Square Mile, First Trade, Bridge Hall and Astor on his record.... apparently he's a vice president at your firm?


You've got Gregory 'Rupert' Nathan who previously worked for HB Markets aka Hoodless Brennan

Ironically he has the following controlled function amongst others:

CF10 Compliance Oversight

FSA Register

And you've got Tomas Christopher Nugent

With Wills & Co and Blue Index on his record:"
And to think none of this would never have been discovered if it wasn't for some clown from fat prophets spouting about how different they were to crooked city firms.
the thread pre page 14 post 106 looks intact. thereafter it takes a hit, *some of dealer911's post(s) removed from the thread. posts of allegations of "losing trades are not being counted in their results" are removed. posts of freely available public information removed from thread 😕
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the thread pre page 14 post 106 looks intact. thereafter it takes a hit, dealer911's post(s) removed entirely from the thread. posts of allegations of "losing trades are not being counted in their results" are removed. posts of freely available public information removed from thread 😕

Be careful what you say, an ambulance chaser may be watching. Luckily I'm currently hiding behind a fake IP in Asia Minor, Trader333 will be confused.
Be careful what you say, an ambulance chaser may be watching. Luckily I'm currently hiding behind a fake IP in Asia Minor, Trader333 will be confused.

yikes, yep have to be very careful, but the removal of mention of public info harks back to the days when the fsa, uk newspapers etc can publish info on cold call warnings from land bank operators from overseas, yet uk ambulance chasers can get threads and posts removed for linking to such. dark times.
yikes, yep have to be very careful, but the removal of mention of public info harks back to the days when the fsa, uk newspapers etc can publish info on cold call warnings from land bank operators from overseas, yet uk ambulance chasers can get threads and posts removed for linking to such. dark times.

I have to laugh. You where a moderator and happily towing the party line when those posts where being routinely deleted, and members banned in some cases for making them.

The removal of the FSA warning is a great example of the blatant hypocrisy of t2ws management. We have Barjon who 'conviniently can't recall' the incident, and even expressing doubts that it ever happened. We have trader33 who banned me (or one of my nics) for mentioning the incident, and comments regarding that case are still routinely deleted (as will be this post)

Then we have Steve claiming from now on members will at least be informed why this stuffs happening (and of course, in common with all promises past and present, they fail to materialize)

It's good that you've finally seen the error of your ways, buy YOU personally need to take some responsibility for the part that YOU played during your role as a moderator.
Was it UK Land Investments that caused that controversy? Maybe the people running it are now running something else, must have a look.