FAO Pigsy and all users

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Trader X and all others. revenge? No, I dont seek that. As for a public dispute, well, it happens. May you all be successfull in your ventures (This includes Iraj) and I hope that the new site is everything you want it to be.
P.S. Iraj, there was no mention in your requirements for the source code to be commented. It was Andy's code and he knew what it did as would any decent web programmer. End of story. Thankyou for your patience people.

P.S. Let us not forget Hibble, Aphil, and the rest. Take it easy.

To Pigsy and all my fellow members. I think it is time to put this unfortunate episode behind us. This thread has run it's course and should be closed by agreement. It should not be deleted as it should serve as a reminder of how things can degenerate and deteriorate given the wrong set of circumstances. We should now look to the future and get back on track to working out ways to beat the market, to unlock the secrets of TA and add to knowledge, which is, I suggest the reason why Dr Iraj started it in the first place. I would like to thank Pigsy as he has remained impartial throughout and kept his dignity as the host. We need to get our heads around this market. As we head to the Christmas break will we see a rally and what will happen in 2001? So my toast is to you the members of this BB who make it so successful and to our future together.

Well I have nothing really to add to this thread. I have always tried to remain impartial and like many others do not wish to get invloved in what is essentially a private dispute that has nothing to do with the discussion of shares.

I can't really see more mileage in this. And if anything it has shown that the sense of community is as strong as ever.

I thank Iraj for his offer of sharing the source of the CI site. I think it would be excellent to recover the old BB posts, which over the months had become a valuable resource. So hopefully this will now be possible.

Whatever happens in the future, one thing is for sure - things are only going to get better!!
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