Fake History


Legendary member
What if everything you thought you knew about the history of Britain turned out to be fake!

Alan Wilson has been researching British History for a lifetime. He's not from the world of academia and is snubbed because of that.

It's interesting stuff covering in particular the Dark Ages Period.

The Establishment always writes the narrative, then does what it always does in closing down any alternatives.

If Historians behaved more like Scientists and dealt in facts, then perhaps things wouldn't end up being such a mess.
Good boy, finally someone decided to learn their own History.

Looking forward to the other side of the trade.

Keep it coming, Violet 🙂
What if everything you thought you knew about the history of Britain turned out to be fake!

Alan Wilson has been researching British History for a lifetime. He's not from the world of academia and is snubbed because of that.

It's interesting stuff covering in particular the Dark Ages Period.

The Establishment always writes the narrative, then does what it always does in closing down any alternatives.

Dear Father,

Thank you ever so much for sending me to T2W. I hope they don't ban me, my education is so incomplete. I would never, not in my wildest dreams have ever imagined that the place would be a source of a PhD. for me. From TRADING to PSYCHOLOGY OF GROUPS to HERDING INSTINCT to blowing asunder the great mystery of whether or not 95% lose is true or false to the totally unknown fact that the forums are full of 1k-3k or at most 10k accounts on 2-minute charts or lower gambling with the milk and rent money.

Now this new stuff from Violet. Holy tamale, Father, you're full of surprises. Is this why they say you act in mysterious ways?

In any event, thank you kindly for directing me to a place I never would have found easily except to stumble into it by the grace of Serendipity. Much obliged.


At 11:52

Jesus of Nazareth was buried in South East Wales and instead of dying on the cross, spent his last days in South East Wales.

All the major secret records of the British Empire including British Raj are preserved in south east Wales.

At 9:57

The Ark of the covenant is buried in SE Wales at a precise known location. Its a great box and they took a metal detector to it and established it as the Ark of the Covenant!

I ain't done yet. More study required.


India was a thriving prosperous country when England first arrive. India was by far the richest country on Earth at that time. India accounted for 27% of Global GDP at that time. A supremely flourishing economy. Textiles were so exotic and huge for example that royals the world over wanted nothing but the real stuff and therefore only from India. The English could not tolerate such a thriving industry and did everything to shut it down going so far as to cut off the thumbs of the weavers. Brits killed the Shipbuilding and steel industries. By the time England left India, the GDP was down to negative and India was in abject poverty and ruined and destroyed.

For TRADERS this is akin to ...................... BLOWN ACCOUNTS OF ASTRONOMICAL WEALTH

35 million Indians slaughtered

All details here ................... from the 5 minute mark it gets really really good, all info well documented and of course I will research it more.
