Fake copies of TS2000i in Ebay!


Hello everyone!

If you see an advert for cheap TS2000i in Ebay, be extra careful and tell the others too.
There's this guy who keeps on selling fake copies of TradeStation2000i. He keeps on changing his handle and has always a 100% positive history. Beware, he is a cheater.

I purchased a TS2000i from him about a month ago . It was advertised with the exactly same text,price,description etc as the one he is now selling. The CD roms that I received had home made labels on them, ie they where illegal copies. I lost 250usd + postage.

Now this very same guy is trying to cheat someone else with the very same method!

Last time he was registered as allenspikedog and this time he is 2007elliottd. BTW, soon after I made my purchase, his former handle (allenspikedog) stopped being active ie he was not a registered member anymore. Now he is back under a different name!

He seems to be able to make up the positive feed back somehow. All the dates for 2007elliotd feed back are rather recent (dated after my purchase in Jan 10th 2007).

You might want to spread the word to other message boards/communities as well. Let's make it difficult for him!


you could buy MultiCharts for $399 which is fully easylanguage compatible, and is basically TS2000i with all the crappy stuff that was wrong with TS taken out and improved. Co-incidentally it is written and developed by the Russian software guys who wrote TS2000i for TradeStation.

TrendTracker said:
Hello everyone!

If you see an advert for cheap TS2000i in Ebay, be extra careful and tell the others too.
There's this guy who keeps on selling fake copies of TradeStation2000i. He keeps on changing his handle and has always a 100% positive history. Beware, he is a cheater.

I purchased a TS2000i from him about a month ago . It was advertised with the exactly same text,price,description etc as the one he is now selling. The CD roms that I received had home made labels on them, ie they where illegal copies. I lost 250usd + postage.

Now this very same guy is trying to cheat someone else with the very same method!

Last time he was registered as allenspikedog and this time he is 2007elliottd. BTW, soon after I made my purchase, his former handle (allenspikedog) stopped being active ie he was not a registered member anymore. Now he is back under a different name!

He seems to be able to make up the positive feed back somehow. All the dates for 2007elliotd feed back are rather recent (dated after my purchase in Jan 10th 2007).

You might want to spread the word to other message boards/communities as well. Let's make it difficult for him!



Imo you should report all this to E-bay if you haven't already.
If you paid by Paypal, then you may get your money back because paypal insures you against bad transactions.
Beware any vendor who asks you to pay by other means.
A valid reason for them to do this is because paypal levy a charge.
However a valid reason for them not to use paypal is that they have already been banned by them.

I have only not used paypal once and that was because I negotiated a split of the paypal charge with the vendor so that we both saved half the paypal charge (£30 each) and because I knew he was trustworthy.

Arbitrageur said:
you could buy MultiCharts for $399 which is fully easylanguage compatible, and is basically TS2000i with all the crappy stuff that was wrong with TS taken out and improved. Co-incidentally it is written and developed by the Russian software guys who wrote TS2000i for TradeStation.


The tssupport people claim they have never developed or written any of tradestation. Not sure where you got that, although I have heard it before.

hmm, admittedly I didnt hear that from them. But MultiCharts certainly was TS2000i in a previous incarnation since its identical in layout and functionality, and even has the same bugs.

The MC product now is much improved over the legacy version of TS though
Fake TS2000i in Ebay

Glenn said:
Imo you should report all this to E-bay if you haven't already.
If you paid by Paypal, then you may get your money back because paypal insures you against bad transactions.
Beware any vendor who asks you to pay by other means.
A valid reason for them to do this is because paypal levy a charge.
However a valid reason for them not to use paypal is that they have already been banned by them.

I have only not used paypal once and that was because I negotiated a split of the paypal charge with the vendor so that we both saved half the paypal charge (£30 each) and because I knew he was trustworthy.


Hello Glenn,

yes, I have reported him to Ebay and I've also disputed him in Paypal. Depending on what he says (whether he returns the money or not) I will escalate it into a claim. Thanks for your input Glenn.


Arbitrageur said:
you could buy MultiCharts for $399 which is fully easylanguage compatible, and is basically TS2000i with all the crappy stuff that was wrong with TS taken out and improved. Co-incidentally it is written and developed by the Russian software guys who wrote TS2000i for TradeStation.


I thought the Russians just worked on the data server and the xpo format but you may be right. They may have signed a non-disclosure agreement and such. Can you briefly mention what were the problems you came across with TS2000i?

Do you know if it will work under Vista?

No Radar Screens in Multicharts I believe . Can you confirm Arbitrageur ?

TrendTracker said:
Hello everyone!

If you see an advert for cheap TS2000i in Ebay, be extra careful and tell the others too.
There's this guy who keeps on selling fake copies of TradeStation2000i. He keeps on changing his handle and has always a 100% positive history. Beware, he is a cheater.

I purchased a TS2000i from him about a month ago . It was advertised with the exactly same text,price,description etc as the one he is now selling. The CD roms that I received had home made labels on them, ie they where illegal copies. I lost 250usd + postage.

Now this very same guy is trying to cheat someone else with the very same method!

Last time he was registered as allenspikedog and this time he is 2007elliottd. BTW, soon after I made my purchase, his former handle (allenspikedog) stopped being active ie he was not a registered member anymore. Now he is back under a different name!

He seems to be able to make up the positive feed back somehow. All the dates for 2007elliotd feed back are rather recent (dated after my purchase in Jan 10th 2007).

You might want to spread the word to other message boards/communities as well. Let's make it difficult for him!



If your report him to ebay with his other nicks, ebay will do something about it or you post your experince on ebay forum. Member of the forum will do something about it.
I have no idea why anybody would use TS2000i over TS8. I used to use TS2000i but TS8 is a far superior product. In latest release custom back adjust is also posssible for futures. If you don't want to pay subscription then open 10k account and do a few round turns per months to get it for free.
If anyone's interested, I have an genuine original copy of TS2000i that I'm looking to sell. It's been sitting on my shelf unused for a number of years now. There are two discs, ProSuite 2000i Platinum Edition (1999), with TradeStation, OptionStation, and RadarScreen on one disc, and the HistoryBank Financial Database with daily data through April 30,1999 on the other. And yes, I will provide you with the "good forever" activation code so you can use it for all eternity!! Get in touch if you're interested.