Well I won't be
If you are just day/swing trading the hype fair enough.
Talking of FB in terms of a position trade is something else.
Thats why I tend to urge caution in these situations.
I couldn't care less if FB goes to $400, without a fundamental basis, its just hype.
You are obviously aware of that, also nothing wrong with trading that.
There are plenty of muppets who aren't, some of whom are dumb enough to
bet the farm in these situations, seen it before, not nice...
People get carried away and think its going to go like Apple.
It may well do, but as I said earlier, there is no sound foundation to
currently base the over inflated price on.
All I'm saying is be realistic and clear about the risks involved.
Buffett and Munger won't buy Facebook stock - May. 6, 2012
Buffett Says Buying Facebook for a Pop Was Terrible Idea - Businessweek
Why Warren Buffett stayed away from the Facebook IPO
Facebook Share Repurchase Should Make Warren Buffett Proud | Technology | Minyanville's Wall Street