Extracting Level 1 Data into Excel

Wooden Horse

I am trying to extract level 1 data from a streaming applet. Is this possible and if so how do I go about doing it? (I'm quite happy to learn any software language to achieve this - albeit not ecstatic about it 🙂 )

I then intend to process the data in Excel using VBA.
The easiest way would be to use a Screen Text Capture program that reads part of your screen and dump it in clipboard. There are a few of them, ranging from $30 to a whopping $1600. Even the smaller ones come with VB,C++,C# and Java routines for "easy" integration with your own programs, including Excel...
Not sure if this will help but there is a small piece of FREE kit that downloads EOD data from Yahoo, Excel and MSN into csv which can be accessed by Excel VBA. It is not streaming data but might give you an idea of how it can be done. I did write a similar function in excel for auto downloading but again data was EOD.
