EXPOSED! strategy - fx_eur_usd


English is not my first language, excuse my bad language… previously I had numerous post here :

some of the people here laughed at me previously, all thread seems quiet, but im still trading, now in this new thread im about to reveal my strategy after make some modification. I will spoon feed you with everything, theres nothing to hide here. The purpose here is helping newbie to get on their feet very quickly, either you are experienced or young/old, all is welcomed. Lets begin,

Trading concept :

- Short term trading
- Uses random result to make market entry decision
- Martingale lot size

The idea of this trading concept is you would like to take the guessing game out of the picture and make your market decision as random as possible/obfuscate the market. And yes, there are ppl in the market will trade against you because they are also looking after your money, so just to be safe, lets assume trader in the market will always behave like that. You have to remember, this strategy is considered short term, which means you do not target massive pips, it will be explained later. But overall understandings you need to know is short term trading usually does not require market prediction where it would go in the future, you only have to predict where the price would go at the meantime or by the end of the day. This made things a lot simpler and eventually you can throw lots of hardwork and effort out of the window, and starts making money as long as you follow the rules.

You can enter the market any time as long as market is open, there is no need to wait and hunt for best possible edge, all of us has been taught this way and apparently that’s why 90% of the trader lose money. So I decided to reverse the idea, where there is no such thing as the best timing or position, market is whatever the market is. If your position is going the opposite way everytime you enter, its your fault. It is undeniable you will have some losing /drawdown period, now here comes the money management part, if you able to manage your losses you are already half way to success. The market is very simple, it is either can going up or down at a time. If the market going nowhere, you will continue to hold the position until it hits your level.

Now here comes the money part, you do not have to care if your current position has taken a loss. You will continue to trade/enter the market. And with martingale lot size, for those who don’t understand, martingale is a betting strategies which the gambler double his bet after every loss. So that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit to the original stake. There are many ppl who often misunderstood, martingale is definite way to lose money, most of the ppl thought for eg: you will continue to bet short (sell) if ur previous losing position is short too and expect market price would turn around and goes into your favor. This is wrong and where most of the people have mistaken, because as I said in the above key point previously, we are using random decision to decide market entry. You do not hunt for best possible edge, market is whatever the market is. Thus, your position sometimes will have sequence like buy, buy, buy, sell, buy,… sell,sell,buy,buy, … buy,sell,buy,sell.. all of it is random. The beauty of this method is where you only need to spend 5mins per day and are guaranteed able to follow the world’s top trader position once in a while, you do not have to know them, or pay anyone. Some people spent all the time and money working hard to predict the market, and you don’t have to do that, there is only 2 outcome which is buy or sell. Once your position is in profit, you go back to the first sequence which is betting with smallest lot. Just keep repeat the sequence once your position hit takeprofit.

How to do it?
- Look for any broker which has nano lot size and highest leverage. Like ICMarkets, Hotforex
- Choose highest available leverage and $1000 starting capital
- Download this generator
- Trade EUR/USD only because it is the most traded pair and minimal market manipulation
- Open the number generator and press 1 then enter, a number will be generated
- Enter the number in this calculator
- If it is odd, you sell. If it is even, you buy.
- You can enter anytime as long as market open, don’t bother with news. I even hold the position through weekend
- Always set takeprofit and stoploss level 50 pips, nothing more nothing less.
- Suppose if my current position take a stoploss, I will go back to generator and gets another number and use the calculator to calculate market decision. Then enter with double lot size than previous (martingale sequence, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08 etc..)
- I made between 0% - 10% every month.

Live Result – Real Money

- For those who don’t believe I can make money, here is the live result
- (acc closed moved to hotforex)
- (acc closed also moved all the money to hotforex)

I know many people will ask, how long I have been trading this way.. ive traded live account 4 year plus, but in between looked up all the strategy, testing, etc..never made much money. This particular martingale would be been running around 1 year plus, and also in between also adjusting the lot size, so you might see drawdown.. after changing the lot size, the return is more consistent now.

Why I am doing this?

There is no secret at all in this strategy, I spoon feed you everything with what im doing so far and just sharing the result. There is no fear I might lose money or whatever if many people using the same method as I do, because as I said we are using random generated decision, you might short position..i might be long, but overall what makes money is more important. Another issue is also timing, which I only enter market if im sitting in front of computer, I went out and all depends on your personal lifestyle and when you come back, random generated decision will make the trade. So there is no conflict if im making money out from you or we are the same, no it wont.

One of my approach or view about the market, you have to remember market does not care about you. Always remember risk the money you can afford to lose. I also ultimately believe competition is unhealthy, we are all living at the same planet there is no reason why we have to play some sort of economy game to define someone as winner or loser, to achieve great civilization we need cooperation, not otherwise. life is just too short trying to focus on competition, we needed more cooperation and helping each other to make this world a better place.

Forward test

I have created a live demo test account, you can download hotforex mt4 and login with my read-only password to check my position everyday

Broker : Hotforex
Login : 610170
Password : w7jnymw
Server : HFMarkets-Demo Server
How many times do we have to tell you:

Martingale = Bust

You can't escape this fact. You either trade so small to try to limit the chance you don't go bust - and make very little money - or you size up and eventually you go bust.

Stop this nonsense now.
combining the two words Martingale and Newbie in the same sentence is a very very bad idea

Cointoss - go away and stop dragging new traders (or anyone) into such foolish ideas and strategies.....

and I stopped laughing a long time back .....

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Your name tag sums up your idea of trading - ie another gambler ;-))

To quote you -

You can enter the market any time as long as market is open, there is no need to wait and hunt for best possible edge, all of us has been taught this way and apparently that’s why 90% of the trader lose money.

NO -wrong

The main reason 80 or 90 or even 95% of traders lose money is because they have not spent the years of study and dedication to really understand price action and to be able to find the "edge " needed to have a good high proportion of winning trades that make a lot more pips than there losing trades.

It take what 5 -7+ years to become Lawyer or Surgeon etc etc - why on earth would you think it would take any less to become skilled and crafted at forex trading ??

Your plan is just a loser before you even start !!

I advise all new traders to think here - do they want to use lucky rabbits feet or similar silly ways - or have they got the patience and dedication and focus etc etc to go through thousands and thousands of hours of study - and then become a proper successful trader.

Or do they want to just gamble and probably lose all their money.

Sorry to have to put a real downer on your thread - but I am being 100% honest and truthful here. Yes it might work over 20 trades or even 40 trades - but I will tell you now after say 200 or 500 or a 1000 trades - you would just have massive losses on your account - which hopefully would still be a demo ;-))


hi everyone, today account up a bit


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Hi cointoss, glad you're finding some success.

I would take issue with the following statement

There are many ppl who often misunderstood, martingale is definite way to lose money, most of the ppl thought for eg: you will continue to bet short (sell) if ur previous losing position is short too and expect market price would turn around and goes into your favor. This is wrong and where most of the people have mistaken, because as I said in the above key point previously, we are using random decision to decide market entry.

Just because it changes from buy to sell randomly, does not mean that a run of losers can't happen. If we toss a coin and bet heads on it with a martingale betting strategy, we could get a sequence of tails TTTTTTTT and lose all our account. You seem to think that because it is random and you bet THHHTTHT (or whatever is generated) that you can't get a sequence HTTTHHTH i.e. lose on a sequence of 8 trades. But it's as likely as the prior example where we didn't generate randomly. Exact same probability. In the market it might be a bit different, but you can't assume because the direction changes that you are not at risk of a consecutive run of losers.

So consider how many times you can double up before account is blown. Say it was 7. If everything is 50/50, the probability of you having a run of 7 losers is 0.0078 (ish). So on average we might expect to see this occur some time in 128 trades. Perhaps it will go 200 trades without occurring, who knows, it's random.

So for your system, what is the probability of you getting that run of losers that wipes the account, and how many trades beyond that number are you?
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So for your system, what is the probability of you getting that run of losers that wipes the account, and how many trades beyond that number are you?

i already doubled the original capital (live account) and no i havent withdraw any, even add some more money, still continue to trade. so far account havent get wiped yet
hi everyone, my live account got six consecutive loss.. i decide to withdraw to keep the profit overall. pls dont trade this way. thanks for reading
hi everyone, my live account got six consecutive loss.. i decide to withdraw to keep the profit overall. pls dont trade this way. thanks for reading

LOL. Thanks for the heads up. Just managed to pull back from the brink in time.

But don't give up. With an unregulated broker you can do a martingale scalp and withdraw your funds quickly too.
LOL. Thanks for the heads up. Just managed to pull back from the brink in time.

But don't give up. With an unregulated broker you can do a martingale scalp and withdraw your funds quickly too.

Oh I think it's all a bluff. Cointoss has found the Holy Grail, and now he wants to throw us off the scent. Well the joke is on him, because I'm trading martingale!