exit strategy

dbphoenix said:
My purpose was not to initiate a debate on the most profitable means of exiting a position.
That was barjons purpose. And one in which we are currently interested in and engaged upon.

As tony says, I am looking to tweak my exit strategy to leave less on the table, but I also appreciate dbp's comments which, in essence, remind us that you need to do as much work to determine your exit set ups as your entry ones. I posted the particular trade(s) to show the type of trade I was involved in (ie: not intraday scalping) and only mentioned the initial exit tactics in response to roguetrader and jsd.

My motives for starting the thread were twofold. Firstly (and rather unashamedly 😱 ), I was hoping to pinch any good ideas that came up and try them out. Secondly, I thought it merited discussion since there is an awful lot written about entries but precious little about exits which can, after all, make or break a trade. A bad exit can render a good entry worthless (as I tried to show originally) or turn a bad entry into a disaster. Conversely, a good exit can mitigate the damage of a bad entry or improve the risk/profit ratio of a good entry significantly.

Everyone seems interested in when to enter, but few seem interested in when to get out 😕

Perhaps I can ask the question differently. I have attached the trade and addition (second trade) showing the entry points (white lines) on a different chart. Can I ask:

1. Would anyone have already closed all or part of either of the positions. If so when and why.

2. If not, when and why would people be planning to exit.

good trading



  • aviva.gif
    9.2 KB · Views: 380
Re the chart on post #22: I don't see any reason to exit. It's pretty hard to look at a "chart snippet" and make a judgement call. Without knowing the larger context, it really is just a guessing game. But on the limited info you showed, I see higher highs and higher lows - your basic uptrend. Do you have reason to believe this will end soon? Is the price nearing resistance?
