Evening trading US shares

Hi Guys

No posts for a while so here is my evening trade for today

A bit late in the day but good momo at WN at after pullback of first breakout.

Came close to being stopped out but after my lesson on MCO earlier today (exited trade for a small loss just as it turned and went on a $3 run) held firm.

All out when momo died just before 40c level and a nasty shooting star formed on 1 min.


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Nice one Andrew

The price on the 1 minute, before the shooting star, was so far away from the moving average as well.

lloydsc said:
Nice one Andrew

The price on the 1 minute, before the shooting star, was so far away from the moving average as well.


Hi Steve

Yes , better entry at 31.50 but unfortunately wasn't around to get it as was engaged in bedtime story telling 🙂
timaru69 said:
Hi Steve

Yes , better entry at 31.50 but unfortunately wasn't around to get it as was engaged in bedtime story telling 🙂

lol, let me guess "Once upon a time there was a trader..."
A nice couple of trades here today, both on my usual breakout set-ups on good volume, nothing complex.

OSG +$1.33 and OSCI +23c

Maybe should have got more on the former, but I'm happy with it nevertheless.


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Just opend 8 new positions before market close and I be closing the positons on Friday. They are only 3 days swing trades and not part of my long term uranium investment portfolio ... I will post the P/L .



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I am thinking of hedging 850 AAPL long against 710 SLB short tomorrow if apple stays in postive 30 min into the day ( same for SLB but in negative )

AAPL closed @ 90.50 Long
SLB closed 75.05 short

Time target = 3 days
stop loss target net = 1$
Target net = + $3

If the above conditions satisfy I will be taking the postion,,,

A divergent hedge of an olil stock against tech ,,, Hmmm just hope isreal does not bomb iran 2morrow lol

Any views ?

A few more breakout trades again.

HBHC +3c, wasn't going anywhere so exited
RS +$1.39, nice breakout on good volume for the day
TXT -25c, false breakout


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Did not take the SLB against APPL as i missed the open but Traded ERTS all day as partial hedge for my swing portfolio ,,, I still have a small short over night position on the stock ...

uranium did not do well at all but the hedge covered all the losses + interest .



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The Beyonder said:
A few more breakout trades again.

HBHC +3c, wasn't going anywhere so exited
RS +$1.39, nice breakout on good volume for the day
TXT -25c, false breakout

Great trading Beyonder. I like your style. Less trades, and more focus on picking quality set ups and swinging them through the day. 😉

TraderAli, have you tried this style?
Had a short ERTS postion from a night before as seen above ..

Market up 132 ERTS down 75 points in fact the only stock which is down on my list

Muchas Gracias to mr market. This trade was done manually and I leave the rest of the day to the hand of my program trade

Not a bad business stock market is after all TRADER ALI



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As usual, top stuff, no doubt Mr Market has more to give you when your engine kicks in.

JSDA has been a sweet stock to day trade, and JOYG today.

Muchas Gracias.
PitBull said:

As usual, top stuff, no doubt Mr Market has more to give you when your engine kicks in.

JSDA has been a sweet stock to day trade, and JOYG today.

Muchas Gracias.
Pitl bull

Remember always say Muchas Gracias when you catch that awesome break out

LOL, it is now part of my vocabulary, thanks to you. Be grateful for what Mr Market gives you, don't expect anything, but when he does offer it on a plate, then it is there for the taking.

Have some positive reinforcement, not the high five type, but take those profits out of the account and treat the family. Take a holiday. Instills why you are doing this job and makes the money real and feet firmly on the ground.

All the best Iraj.
Today has been very flat trading, but there are always hot stocks moving on momentum and setting up certain other patterns as well.
With the right choice of stock, right entry, position management, and exit - and also the appropriate number of shares for the stock, how it behaves and level 2, these situations are there to make money day after day.
Here's an example from this afternoon.
I went long on the X hairs and exited at the time of the screen shot for 75c on the actual fills.
This stock never moved a single cent into loss and I knew the probability of loss was extremely low because I was able to read level 2 and the support and buying pressure.


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So, what happened after the exit at the time of the screenshot in the last post?
The exit was because level 2 and T&S told me the move was probably over.
The chart below was taken a bit later to show how my exit was at the precise top of the move.
I am currently training my brother to trade and the broker screen shot you can see was "his" 800 shares.
If it had been me trading for myself, the position size would have been higher as this was a bit of a no brainer trade - the exact sort you need to target and wait for - no mad rush, just wait for the right one and shoot.
+$600 in eight minutes with a "risk" of just two cents - and that "risk" had a very low probability.


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