Evening trading US shares

LVS long


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LVS closed
+31c per share

Result for half an hour's work in the evening = + 55c per share traded.
Nothing spectacular, just typical bread and butter trading.
The opportunities are usually there.


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Nice work Richard, as always!

Now with earning season upon us you will find many more evening opportunities than usual. The one to watch tonight is APPLE, which comes out after the close and can be traded post market.

Listed below are companies reporting today and tomorrow.

Wed Earnings *


Thu Earnings *

Richard, PB,
Good to see you here again!

Quick Q if I may, I notice that there is a lot more mention of NYSE stocks these days.

1 Is there any particular reason for this, and

2 Is there any difference in the methods for trading NYSE instead of Nasdaq.

Cheers Gents,

Thanks Pitbull,
Hope you did well out of AAPL tonight, too. I shorted when I saw that huge resistance at 99.15 on arca and the reaction to it and grabbed a rather nice chunk ;-)
I'm out now and didn't long the reaction bounce.

Hello Hampy,
Hope you are enjoying life. The answer to Q1 is that NYSE stocks have become much easier since the merger. As for Q 2, that's a short question which requires a very long answer, but they are different in several ways. Drop me an email and catch up. Maybe you've changed your email since you moved?
Yep, the reaction bounce has fizzled out. From a fundamental PoV the guidance made it highly likely it would fall from its early levels,even though they tend to be overly conservative in their guidance. Still, it's in the action, not the opinion where the profits are to be made.
Hi Hampy

Just my 2 cents worth,

The NYSE HYBRID market is a new intitiative in order to integrate the best aspects of the auction market (specialist controls the stock) and automated trading (like the NASDAQ). The positives are fills will be quicker and you get what is available on the open book, but the negatives are, the specialist no longer regulates orders, therefore fills can be nasty if no bids or offers in the book, and price improvement is gone. Before when you buy a stock and if it is going up and you place a market order to sell, you can get a fill that is way better than the current market price. Now, if you place a market order. You immediately get filled on what's available.

I do like trading NYSE stocks, as at times they can move very cleanly. Lately, they have become my bread and butter. Stocks like CAL, LVS, MA, ICE. MLS yesterday was a beauty. That's what I mean about a clean smooth chart offering low risk entry points.

I'm sure Richard will enlighten you on the different executions you can use on NYSE stocks, but I mostly use limit orders to ISLD or ARCA, even if it means not getting the inside price.

Richard, AAPL was a teaser last night and even got halted.
I shorted just below the whole number like you after its first reaction when re-opened. V.nice!

All the best
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Richard, sorry, I've only just noticed your greeting to me on the 14th, when you shared some of your favourite trenders. I haven't looked at this thread for some time.

I trust you're well and have held on tight enough not to have been blown to Scandinavia this afternoon!!

Sea at Bexhill was quite impressive today!


Mr. Charts said:
You ask, "Do you enter with market orders or stop market orders and in this particular trade, where did you place your initial stop?"
Personally I use market orders in this situation and my stop depends on level 2 buy/sell pressures. MM and other participant behaviour, momentum, T&S. Have a look at http://www.trade2win.com/knowledge/articles/general_articles/an-example-of-tape-reading/
for an example. There are three examples of mine on Google video you can find.

Hello Sean,
Some of my favourite core trading stocks are AAPL, SNDK, AMGN, ERTS, VLO.
Thanks a lot for the answers Gents, much appreciated.

Richard, finally moved in august and yes have got a new e-mail, i will indeed be in touch shortly,

cheers for now

Quick question if I may to nasdaq level 2 traders,

I use esignal for my charts&L2 and IB trading platform for trade execution. I was wanting to exit a trade post market and noticed that esignal L2 was showing best ask (I was short) was from arca, however my IB screen was showing best ask on island about 20c away. When I attempted to route my order directly to ARCA a message was displayed which said I needed to subscribe to ARCA market data.

Does anyone have any tips or URL links to details on how to route orders to ARCA ?

Do I need to subscribe to ARCA market data with interactive brokers ?

I agree with Richard's comments about NYSE stocks. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have touched them with a bargepole but have noticed lately how clean they've been trending.

Got a nice move out of CBE this evening.

Shorted at new low at 94.17, covered at 92.79 at 8.15pm.


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I still prefer NAsdaq stocks as you can get in and out of a trade even if your pos size is relatively large .. you might have problem doing that on NYSE stocks ... Two early trades on LRCX and NVDA . The above two trade was very fast and i doubt if i could have closed in time if i was in a NYSE stock



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V.nice trade, nice clean mover!

Grey1 is right, if scalping a fast move then will be harder with NYSE stocks unless you can see the liquidity on ARCA and ISLD in order to transact against. If you use a market order then this will, I believe, be routed to the NYSE specialist therefore taking longer to get filled. Helps subscribing to ARCA and ISLD data and having the different ECN books open as well as L2 in order that you can transact against. My fills on ISLD and ARCA are within a couple of seconds on NYSE stocks.

Jimmy2, sorry for not replying. You should of received the best inside quote irrespective of whether you subscribe to the different ECN data. L2 shows the best quote of all ECNs. I don't know about IB as don't use them. Richard maybe able to enlighten you.
The Beyonder,
Very nice trade, sir !
I can smell the salt and vinegar...;-)

Yes, you're right (as is Grey1) about scalping on some NYSE stocks unless they are very liquid, but the hybrid system is getting better week by week and I tend only to trade the highly liquid NYSE stocks with fast flows on T&S. Size and execution speed aren't a problem on them as long as you read momentum well, which I know you do, PitBull. On that sort of NYSE stock my fills are instantaneous as on Nasdaq.
Have a good w/e gentllemen.

You should have ARCA data on your level2 eSignal feed. If you don't, get it.
Make sure you use limit orders in that particular situation.
I don't use IB data

Richard. .
The Beyonder said:
I agree with Richard's comments about NYSE stocks. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have touched them with a bargepole but have noticed lately how clean they've been trending.

Got a nice move out of CBE this evening.

Shorted at new low at 94.17, covered at 92.79 at 8.15pm.
Well done but....
What brought CBE to your attention?
Do you use a scanner?
If yes, which one please?
Many thanks
neil said:
What brought CBE to your attention?
The Beyonder said:
Shorted at new low at 94.17, covered at 92.79 at 8.15pm.
Was it just a basic break of the morning opening range low :?: A very popular easy scanner/price alert trade..

A chart makes it far easier to explain what I'm on about..😱


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Bez said:
Was it just a basic break of the morning opening range low :?: A very popular easy scanner/price alert trade..

A chart makes it far easier to explain what I'm on about..😱

JUST a new low of the day easy peasy 🙂 (and micro analysis of course) 😱
Hi Guys,

how is everything hanging over here? Didn't notice that the US stock trading threads were getting active again.
Good to see that.

It looks like everyone is still rocking. Nobody having problems since the ISLD/BRUT/SIZE ECNs merged into NSDQ?
I have to say, my last half of 2005 until August 2006 have been better than I could have ever dreamed of. But since the ECNs merged my biggest edge just dissapeared. After I did Richard's Level II course I really started using Level II and found my own little edge in it together with what I learned from Richard. I could kinda see a buyer come in looking at the way the ECNs acted, and that was actually the only thing I based my trades on and it worked for over a year extremely succesfully. But then there's a time when you have to adapt to the market, which is right now for me. I had days where I traded way over a million shares. Right now a big day is when I trade 20,000 shares, I've gone from 5,000 - 100,000 shares to trading 100 - 500 shares in a position.
But nonetheless, I'm fighting back now. With a new strategy solely based on charts, I'm slowly becoming profitable again. But the reason I'm not rocking like I used to is because I totally lost my confidence in trading and my selfconfidence and I'm afraid to lose money. Because of this I'm exiting trades before my strategy tells me to get out. If I just waited until the strategy says to get out, I would make money consistently every day. But now I'm just getting out way to quick, so I'm not taking out of the trade what I'm supposed to, and because of this a few small losers scr*w me up for the day. So now I'm seeing a psychologist to help me out on this one.
I now understand why 95% of the newbies fail in this business and that's all because what's between the ears. LOL. Trading is the easiest thing in the world, but when you don't have the right mindset, it suddenly turns into the hardest thing in the world.

Well, good to see you all here on the boards and I'll try to join you guys again.

Trade safe and good luck,

The ScreenLocal
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I thought that was KISS compaired to the normal Bez style Elliott Waver's posts...:cheesy🙂) ....

Hope your well samtron...:?: It seems like ages since we all used to hog the US Daytraders thread...

There's a lovely 5 wave move up into the day high.... couldn't resist 🙂)))
Hi dvdh...

You'll soon be back on form !! 😉

Can I ask what part of TA your focusing on ??

Cheers Bez