EurUsd - God's instrument

Going by todays action........are you worried that god might be changing sides now?

NO. Because the DAILY trend is Down. And when one has an established downtrend one is best off not arguing about it - just stay SHORT. Sure the trend can reverse anytime without notice but until it does, stay SHORT.

Same principle on 4H but here the trend has reversed or reversed for a brief period so a take profit is in effect and now am searching for the SHORTING the rally top.

Read earlier in thread to see my exact exit out of 4H leveraged shorties. I've been flat leveraged shorties since. Only daily shorts ongoing.
Going by todays action........are you worried that god might be changing sides now?

One other thing, Moonrocket - God loves us all, has no favorites and never criticizes - the most I've seen him do :):) is look on in dismay when the talented US dollar was in a drunken stupor in a dungeon for 4 years. The Devil told God, "all these euros I will give to thee if thou wouldst just simply worship me" - God noo then when he replied, "Be gone Satan" that the USD would snap out of his funk. The USD as a result gave God's one of many native gifts a whole new meaning, that gift being pay-shunce.

The USD's dungeon song is below ...

A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum - YouTube
You're a funny bloke, Broke. (Bloke...... Aussie colloquialism for a real man)
If per-chance some great misfortune should befall your trading, you could make a comfortable living from writing about it :smart:
You're a funny bloke, Broke. (Bloke...... Aussie colloquialism for a real man)
If per-chance some great misfortune should befall your trading, you could make a comfortable living from writing about it :smart:

The great misfortune befalling my trading is happening live in my Dow Jones thread but I ain't making a comfortable living from it, instead its a stark reminder of, "dyin ain't much of a livin"
One other thing, Moonrocket - God loves us all, has no favorites and never criticizes - the most I've seen him do :):) is look on in dismay when the talented US dollar was in a drunken stupor in a dungeon for 4 years. The Devil told God, "all these euros I will give to thee if thou wouldst just simply worship me" - God noo then when he replied, "Be gone Satan" that the USD would snap out of his funk. The USD as a result gave God's one of many native gifts a whole new meaning, that gift being pay-shunce.

The USD's dungeon song is below ...

A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum - YouTube

That's why the Americans put "in God We Trust" on their coins. Everyone else pays cash.
That's why the Americans put "in God We Trust" on their coins. Everyone else pays cash.

Our America's GOD is CREDIT, HOUSING and 0-SAVINGS

i.e. The Father, the Son and Holy Ghost.

All three have big holes in them and the last one, after being at 0% for decades has
shot up like a rocket. Many Asian countries are massive savers on the other hand.
Reminder on EurUsd, my bread and butter instrument .....

Only DAILY timeframe SHORTS are still ON, no changes here.

4H leveraged shorts were closed and huge profit taken as stated earlier.

Re-initiate SHORT when trendline breaks and then as always follow the TREND.

EurUsd pend SHORT 1.28281 a couple mins. ago - will time better if opportunity shows up


  • EurUsd 4H Dec 23-11.jpg
    EurUsd 4H Dec 23-11.jpg
    373.5 KB · Views: 166
Reminder on EurUsd, my bread and butter instrument .....

Only DAILY timeframe SHORTS are still ON, no changes here.

4H leveraged shorts were closed and huge profit taken as stated earlier.

Re-initiate SHORT when trendline breaks and then as always follow the TREND.

EurUsd pend SHORT 1.28281 a couple mins. ago - will time better if opportunity shows up

Rally trendline broken but leaving my pending entry as-is ....

EurUsd pend SHORT 1.28281
Interesting thread, i have had the same views about the EUR

Add me on Skype if you would like to have a chat some time: Doomberg1
pend entry as-is but will pour on the coal if the 4H 200-pd m.a. breaks decisively.
If this does occur it will be a long, long, long wave south with no threats of TREND breaks or bends for a long, long while.

So be alert for this.
Topping formation on 4H - if neckline breaks, SHORT


  • EurUsd 4H.jpg
    EurUsd 4H.jpg
    357.1 KB · Views: 184
SHORT working nicely on 1H but not yet in effect on 4H.

Current support is the 4H 200ma, hence the rally IMO

I need the 4H to give me a signal too, only then will I feel its beach time.

I'm using a 1H STOP now on all leveraged SHORTs instead of the previous 4H STOPs.

STOP @ 1.3220 approx. is a mental one not a hard STOP - I plug it in only if not at
the computer.
Interesting thread, i have had the same views about the EUR

Add me on Skype if you would like to have a chat some time: Doomberg1

OK Doomberg, let's wait till after the Dow Jones turns in my favor - right now I can't even go to the can in peace no more without some fellow telling me the Dow will kill me and then try to sell me Life Insurance. :):)
Reminder on EurUsd, my bread and butter instrument .....

Only DAILY timeframe SHORTS are still ON, no changes here.

4H leveraged shorts were closed and huge profit taken as stated earlier.

Re-initiate SHORT when trendline breaks and then as always follow the TREND.

EurUsd pend SHORT 1.28281 a couple mins. ago - will time better if opportunity shows up

Reiterating the above

Thank you for helping me decide to make EurUsd my job. Its a beautiful job, the losses hurt, the wins thrill but I'm not yet on the road to excellence - help me plant my feet theron by sending me signals to improve my weaponry.

best regards

the dead one
Looks like price is heading down towards the 1.3160 level again, with a likely breakthough.

Looks like a new test of low

Price has now broken through down the 1.3160 level. I am expecting price to retrace back up towards the 1.3160 level to retest this, with a rejection and a subsequent test of 1.30
