Eurostoxx strategy


Junior member

I trade eurostoxx futures intraday. My trading style is to aim for 5 ticks per day, regardless of the size i am clipping.
I have often found it difficult to get 5 ticks per day in some periods of time. Im a consistent trader and dont have big down days often. A bad down day will mean down 5 ticks, generally its not more than that.

Now I was looking to revise my strategy. Instead of going for 5 ticks, I am going for 3 ticks. Because :-

- 3 ticks is easier to achieve than 5. Therefore greater chance of achieving.
- I am confident there are 3 ticks in the markets every day to be had, whether its a quite day or busy day.
- My down side stop would be 6 ticks, 1 bad day cancels out 2 good days. However i am confident that i can have more up days than down.
- I feel there is more chance of me making 3 ticks than loosing 6 ticks.
- I am a patient trader and wait for my trades instead if jumping in for the sake of it, being selective is a key strength for me. I am able to sit aside and wait for a trading opportunity.
- Eurostoxx is a very liquid market. You can trade up to 200 contracts atleast, without having to adjust your trading style. I clip 20's, so if i am achieveing my 3 tick target every day. Then theoretically it is possible to do it on 50 lots without changing anything.

Does anybody have anything to say about this strategy, or any ammendments I could make to it in order to improve ??


Stick to trying to get 5ticks instead of increasing size and taking 3 ticks. You mentioned in your post, 1 bad day would cancel out 2 good days based on a daily stop-out of 6ticks. This will make it harder to recover from a psyhcological and performance point of view. You obviously scalping for a tick or two, with many scratches.

Best to plug in ur trading stats into excel and analysis your results.

why stick to the SX5E? The DAX and SX5E have a very high correlation and the intra day move is bigger?

For instance the average daily move for the March SX5E Future has been 40.76 points, yet for the DAX March Future it has been 65.42.

Would you consider scalping 3 or even 5 points out of the average daily move were sufficient? What has been your biggest drawdown? I would possibly suggest that you adjust your whole strategy.

apples10 said:

why stick to the SX5E? The DAX and SX5E have a very high correlation and the intra day move is bigger?

For instance the average daily move for the March SX5E Future has been 40.76 points, yet for the DAX March Future it has been 65.42.

Would you consider scalping 3 or even 5 points out of the average daily move were sufficient? What has been your biggest drawdown? I would possibly suggest that you adjust your whole strategy.



Are you suggesting that I trade the spread between dax and eurostoxx? or are you suggesting that I trade dax outright instead ?
Dax may have a bigger range but i find it is a more volatile contract and less technical than the stoxx.

In general i am very consistent. My down days are kept small. On average id say that once in 2 weeks i may be down 6 ticks. My consistency is achieved by being patient and really waiting for the opportunity to arrive. I believe that every day in the stoxx there are at least 2-3 opportunities. If you dont get caught up in all the crap and just wait for levels you can be very consistent.

how would you suggest that i adjust my whole strategy ?

Hi euribor,

yes, was suggesting you traded the DAX solely. Yes the volatility is higher but there is also a very high correlation between the Indices - so I would be very surprised if your strategy didn't work there as well.

Every one to their own regards how they trade, if you are happy taking small amounts regularly with little drawdown then stick with that.

I was only suggesting a way of you trading the same strategy with a larger p/l.
