
Established member
anyone making any sense of this pare ?

looks like its ready for a big move myself ?


    141.2 KB · Views: 214
The SNB defended the 1.50 this morning, looks like... I still don't buy this Dec16 thing, GJ, in spite of whatever UBS peeps say.
Weigh the loss of exports to Europe vs. potential trading losses and the incentive for further SNB intervention makes sense. The will of the market could overwhelm the wishes of their small country's central bank, but it would take an economic event excessively large to do so. I wouldn't bet the farm on CHF strength.
whats happening on the 16th mate ?

It's probably an option expiry.
(Gammajamma is normally the guy to know these things).
But normally if something is heated up enough, the reaction is nil.
We'll see.
It's probably an option expiry.

Are you guys paying any attention at all?

As I move into my twilight days on t2w I feel like leaving a good memory, so I will be helpful rather than mocking or being angry about the lack of knowledge about the most important, or at least what is anticpated to be by most reasonable chaps, thing about EUR rates remaining this year.

16 Dec is the ECB LTRO gentlemen. Plenty of controversy.

I may upload Medley here on the day before. Just to see what happens :)
Are you guys paying any attention at all?

As I move into my twilight days on t2w I feel like leaving a good memory, so I will be helpful rather than mocking or being angry about the lack of knowledge about the most important, or at least what is anticpated to be by most reasonable chaps, thing about EUR rates remaining this year.

16 Dec is the ECB LTRO gentlemen. Plenty of controversy.

I may upload Medley here on the day before. Just to see what happens :)

only morons take his advice