Hi guys, what a S**t previous week, all forex positions were stopped out early Friday morning, at hefty losses, as support levels were broken and stop losses were triggered. However my books were balanced by taking gains in indices and stocks.
Was out rest of the day on Friday, when I had got back at night I couldn't believe what I was seeing!!! Sterling had a massive move down, horrific stuff.
However small positions have been opened now:
Long June contracts
Euro/$ 12478
£/S 18421
Will be adding to the above positions very soon with larger stakes will keep you all updated.
We still hold our long term views on the dollar saga, most of you may think what madness but the euro/$ will hit 130+ in the short term and sterling will come back to 190.
The euro could definitely move back to 123 region before massive support comes in to head it towards new highs.
The U.S dollar index is currently trading at 8741 this could move higher to 8900 but this gain will be rather short-lived and new lows will be formed.
The Euro and £ moving lower is nothing more than a great buying opportunity.
Please trade with caution, don't get sucked into thinking that this could be a trend reversal.
Technical and fundamentals are still supporting a much weaker dollar-and I believe that’s what’s coming a much WEAKER DOLLAR!
Thanks for listening 🙄😎🙄