Eurex vs US Law

FTSE Beater

Experienced member
Hi All

Yesterday at the IX Expo, The LSE had a stand there and I had an interesting chat with 2 of them (yes I know it's hard to believe, but you can actually have an intelligent conversation with them! 😱 )

We got talking about how much further the US is ahead of our trading systems and their reaction was quite surprising. They said that they are behind us, well behind the Eurex exchange anyway. It appears that the US is so good because it doesn't allow non-US based companies to set-up over there. Their companies can set-up anywhere but not the other way around. To cut a long story short, Eurex are suing CBOT and CME for anti-competitive practices.

It all started Here, and moved onto Here and it's finished up like this. 😛

Press Releases

Eurex welcomes approval of The Clearing Corporation
Ferscha: Market has voted for choice, innovation and enhanced services
Path clear for Eurex and The Clearing Corporation equity partnership

Frankfurt/Main, 24 Oct 2003
Following approval by shareholders of The Clearing Corporation of a corporate restructuring plan, Eurex, the world's largest derivatives exchange, welcomed the outcome of the vote that clears the way for The Clearing Corporation to clear trades for its U.S.-regulated and U.S.-based exchange, Eurex US. The Clearing Corporation shareholders overwhelmingly approved the corporate and capital alignment of the company that will establish a new Guaranty Fund and separate ownership in the company from access to the clearing organization.

"Today the market has voted for choice, innovation and enhanced services," said Rudolf Ferscha, CEO of Eurex. "Our partnership with The Clearing Corporation will give the U.S. market access to a global range of products. This deal is a crucial milestone in the forging of our partnership with the participants in the U.S. financial markets."
So it looks like the US is going to get better and the Eurex a lot strong. This will be interesting 😎
Either way it looks like the LSE will be left behind 😢